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Ryze Build Guide by slayerix

The Secret Of The Scroll (elder scroll :D)

The Secret Of The Scroll (elder scroll :D)

Updated on October 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author slayerix Build Guide By slayerix 1,735 Views 0 Comments
1,735 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author slayerix Ryze Build Guide By slayerix Updated on October 2, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Okay dont expect a really long detailed note from me down here. This is my first ever guide so obviously there will be problems with it but i would like to say DO NOT purely stick to this guide. adapt your build to suit your needs. for example if the enemy goes heavy ad and has no or 1 only ap champ then replace lich bane with another frozen heart to maximize damage resistance.

That being said these items will not make you a tanky ryze. The idea of this build is to be able to take a hit if you cant avoid it but try to avoid being hit as much as possible. However as ryze is a caster and primarily the ap carry, this build also allows ryze to do a fair amount of damage. Just remember that hes basically a hybrid between nuke ryze and tanky ryze.
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With this build try to stick near and support your team. DO NOT try and take on enemys one v one as this will most likely screw you over if the enemy has any brains at all. This build is meant so that during teamfights you are more durable and able to help for a longer period of time. Try staying at the back and flashing out of the way if the enemy decides to target you. if flash is not available then rune prison the one targeting making sure to ult beforehand if they are fast or you have low health and then hide in a nearby bush or run a short distance to make them lose interest.

If it does come down to a 1v1 then make sure to make good use of rune prison and spell flux. my usually combo is rune prison followed by spell flux followed by overload then cast overload around 2 more times if your a fast caster, hit with rune spell flux and then overload untill rune prison is available. basically focus on keeping the enemy CC'd to avoid giving them the ability to chase you. also as you are overloading the enemy try to run in and out of range in time with your cooldowns. e.g if all spells are on cooldown dont just stand there uselessly basic attacking make sure to get out of range of their spells till yours are ready again.

One final thing to mention is that rune prison is VERY good for ganks. in place of a nearby teamate a tower will work if for example your being chased lock the enemy down next to a tower to cause them to take damage and then flash away. the damage caused by the tower + the distance created by flash can discourage enemys that could probably still catch you.
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Final note

ALWAYS GET ARCHANGELS STAFF ASAP it is your main items as ryze due to the amazing passive it has. once you obtain it make sure to take every opportunity you get to build up that passive, thats why you have clarity. spam spells at minions no matter how few there are, occasionally target jungle minions, hell even if you could kill them with your basic make sure to spell cast. not only is this good for your farm (important with this guide) but it is also good as the passive of archangels will fly up, supplementing damage in between buying expensive items.

thats about it, like i said dont expect too much writing (im lazy) and enjoy

P.s. make sure to protect ryzes precious (golem golem) scroll while your at it
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League of Legends Build Guide Author slayerix
slayerix Ryze Guide
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The Secret Of The Scroll (elder scroll :D)

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