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Lee Sin Build Guide by DesuSukopion

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Updated on August 11, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DesuSukopion Build Guide By DesuSukopion 3,299 Views 0 Comments
3,299 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DesuSukopion Lee Sin Build Guide By DesuSukopion Updated on August 11, 2021
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Runes: Even more Shielding!

Shield Bash

Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


Main Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
An Off-Meta Lee Sin
So, You're surely wondering, "Why should I play Lee Sin Botside as Support with this build?"

The answer is very simple, as I like to keep things for myself: For the Fun of it. And this build generates a TON of Shielding-And Shields are pretty damn great to have, too. Ask me why and I'll tell you that they're "Comparable to additional HP which you can sacrifice to keep your own actual HP perfectly intact or abuse to actually heal through Lifesteal/Omnivamp as you maintain your shielding". That make any sense? It should, I think.
About Me
If you're reading this, it means you're wondering who in tarnation is this "DesuSukopion" Fella, and I am just someone who hates the Meta-Because it is incredibly dumb to rely on nothing but ONE THING that is supposed to be "Optimal" or "How you should play it" when there are alternatives that make the game more fun. Flexibility and Adaptability beats the meta any day of the week-Which is why I spend a lot of time thinking of clever ways to play League's Champions in a creative way.

(You can also thank RossBoomSocks and Deep League for enlightening me about the "Mathematically Correct" Builds which were made for fun and to actually push a Champion to their limit to perform far better than their "Meta" counterparts. Under every aspect.)
Things to Keep in Mind
I've written everything important among the notes of each thing-Runes, Items, etcetera. There isn't much to say besides what's already been said, and this build lacks the Flexibility and Adaptability I preached-but at the same time, this is meant to be an Off-Meta Build designed for fun. Don't expect it to work against everyone-And while I must say that currently this is untested and I am no Master of the Sonic ****ter, I intend to do what I did with my favorite Rammus Build:

Push it to its limits via harsh stress-testing in Normal Matches. Should help me figure out things to add to this including unexpected Synergies and so on.

Let me stress this out again: Champions that can build Serpent's Fang as part of their "Meta" build are big threats to your Shielding. Taking them out quickly is a Big priority, so they can't touch your shields any longer. Don't forget to run Overgrowth: That Rune is CRITICAL if you want to run Warmog's Armor. Not doing so will force you to build a different Item instead-Such as Anathema's Chains if you mess this up.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DesuSukopion
DesuSukopion Lee Sin Guide
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The Shieldmaster

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