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Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Chapter 1
he got half of the normal regen for a tank, but he uses the up to 40% lifesteal and haves a normal attack, so, in place of being quiet to regen, the more you damage, the more you regen, with this build you will get from 50-100 from each hit, so you are a leecher tank, in extreme cases, you should use the cataclysm, cause, if you surround 1 or 2 guys, you will be able to kill them with no problems, but the strategy should be: from long range, use dragon strike, on first hit on you, use the golden aegis, and slash the hack off using dragon strike when possible, if the enemy is low health and running, instantly use the cataclysm.
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