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Poppy Build Guide by Jackson18

The True Way To Smurf

The True Way To Smurf

Updated on October 31, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jackson18 Build Guide By Jackson18 1,522 Views 0 Comments
1,522 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jackson18 Poppy Build Guide By Jackson18 Updated on October 31, 2011
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Chapter 1

Hi i am Jackson18, i am here to show you how to do 'The True Way To Smurf' i will include tips and tricks on how to do it

Runes-I don't use any runes, i don't think they give a small deal of difference to damage

Masteries-I have also put random masteries down because, most of you are not level 30, i myself is onyl 15.

Items-This builds items provide a cheap but good way to stir everyone up around the battlefield

Skill Sequence-Devestating Blow deals massive damage i try to level that up as quickly as i can/Heroic Charge isn't a big damage dealer it it more a piss people ability, dont level it up too quikly level up the other abilities

Summoner Spells-Teleport can be very useful to be everywhere at once and if you die at the start, you dont miss out on much exp cause you can teleport back up there, if your not high enough level u can't use flash, replace it with heal or clarity, if u do have flash it can be used to come from behind and tackle your target forward or can be used when escaping through trees, just flash on the other side of trees

I really hope this helps, it is my first build, so i hope you like it
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jackson18
Jackson18 Poppy Guide
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