(SPELLBOOK + DRING) Generally, Akshan is a pretty big problem for you. He roams better, is highly mobile and has pretty good harass and shove. Play for farm until 1-2 items and be diligent in making sure his roams are known. From there, fight when you can. (Tip: Your cage knocks Akshan out of his swing.)
(FIRST STRIKE + TEAR) Really boring lane, just poke when you can and avoid doing anything rash. Farm farm farm and avoid pushing up especially post 6.
Aurelion Sol
(TEAR + FIRST STRIKE) Good version of farm farm farm, just try to keep pace with him and catch him out when you can post 6 with your cage (cancels his dash).
(SPELLBOOK + TEAR) Scary matchup, he heavily outranges you and can seriously poke you away from fights and waves. Beware post-6 as well, as his pressure shoots up. Conserve HP and play from a long distance, he will poke you a ton. Would be 5 If more people were experienced in the art of the Azir.
(TEAR + FIRST STRIKE) Relatively pretty free matchup, you will most likely not be able to kill him during laning phase but he can't do anything to you either. Farm first strike off him and ping his roams, otherwise KEEP FARMING.
(SPELLBOOK + TEAR) Very annoying
(FIRST STRIKE + TEAR) Pretty much GG in champ select, outscales you much harder and faster. Dodge or try and just pray he's stupid.
(SPELLBOOK + DRING) Pretty much GG in champ select, snowballs extremely hard and can dodge every ability you can throw except ult. Dodge or try and just pray she's stupid.
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion | This matchup will absolutely make your blood boil, lucky you won't see it often. Orianna will zone you off of literally anything you try to go for, it can feel pretty powerless if the Ori you are against has any good spacing at all. Play as far back as humanly possible, avoid trading unless you think you and your jungler can go for an all-in, and give up everything you have to just to stay safe because once Ori hits 6 its possible to go from 100-0 very quick.
Runes: Roaming/Laning* (Depends on teamcomp) | Starting Items: DRing + 2x Pots | Can be dangerous in the early laning phase, but due to how linear Pantheons combos are its pretty easy to predict and work around him. Care walking up before you have everfrost since if you dont have cage it really hurts to get stunned by him. Play extra safe when his jungler is nearby since Pantheon mid is especially good at setting up for ganks with his point and click stun. As soon as you get everfrost you can just freeze him mid-jump. When you hit 6, just make sure to bait out his E before ulting him. If you have predator you can try to meet him wherever he ults but you are usually better off just shoving waves into him while he is gone instead.
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion | Significantly outranges and tends to match your scaling very well, will zone you off and deprive you of any CS you attempt to go for and will scale to one shot you and your entire team in the midgame. Try and salvage as much CS as possible and play alongside your jungler to net kills and get the game snowballing in your favour. Focus on farm over objectives since you will most likely be zoned off any objective you try to contest, and NEVER go anywhere near her if she has R. She will 100-0 you anytime she has R.
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion | This matchup was more even pre-rework but since the rework it has skewed the matchup into taliyahs favour since she now has a lot better waveclear and poke. Sit behind minions and predict her knockup into mines, if she uses her full combo and misses, trade back. Ping Taliyahs roams and just shove in return, you will not be able to stop her since she has really high MS and her ult is an instant roaming tool. Due to her high range and burst you will suffer in skirmishes and teamfights, sit back and peel for your team rather than going for aggressive cages.
Runes: Laning/Roaming (depends on enemy teamcomp) | Starting Items: DRring + 2x Pots | A pretty stock standard assassin matchup, as long as you can farm efficiently early you can invalidate him late. The main things to watch out for is his amazing waveclear, high burst, and high roaming potential. You can follow his roams with predator and cage to attempt to stop him, or just ping his roam and perma shove waves into him so he loses gold and XP if he fucks up. Cage him in teamfights, there isn't much he can do to avoid it since he is immobile without surrounding terrain.
Runes: Laning | Starting Items: DRing + 2x Pots | Very free matchup, mainly because you hard outscale her and can completely invalidate her all-in with your cage. If you ever see her wind-up her leap, just cage and she will stop mid-air completely stunned. Farm until 6 and ping your jungler to gank. Buy seal in this matchup, trust me.
Twisted Fate
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: DRing + 2 Pots | This is a pretty Viktor skewed matchup, as he can poke you down pretty significantly especially if he is running aery, as well as match your scaling pretty well if he gets good farm. Try to sit out of his Q range (about the same size as his auto range) and Q farm. Punish him with Q or cage when he walks up to greed for cannon and if he uses his Q on the wave you are pretty free to step up as long as you can predict his E. Once he gets his E hexaugment he can perma-outpush you so be aware that if you roam you will lose a lot more than you bargained for.
Runes: Laning | Starting Items: DRring + 2x Pots | Vlad is one of the very few champions that can match your scaling, but the difference between him and Corki is that Corki has a lot more range and consistent damage whilst Vlad is more a burst mage, and it takes significantly longer for Vlad to come online. Try to make your trades as one sided as possible by abusing your range whenever he walks up to get cs, and if he ever uses pool stupidly to avoid your damage ping your jungler to gank since he is pretty fucked without it. Once he hits about two items he can become a bit scary, but as long as you have bullied him somewhat sufficiently he is pretty manageable.
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion | Similar to a lot of your bad matchups, Xerath easily outranges you three times over. You will get poked out of lane constantly, try to stand to the side of the wave so he has to pick between hitting you or pushing the wave and just try your hardest to avoid getting hit by his skillshots. Once you hit 6 it becomes a bit more manageable as long as your jungler is capable of helping you, but don't count on it.
Runes: Laning/Roaming* (Depends on teamcomp) | Starting Items: DRing + 2x Pots | Usually a pretty smooth laning phase, as long as you take it slow there isn't much Yasuo can do to shut you down. Take care not to stand too close to the wave since Yasuo can dash through the wave and stick on you. Once you hit 6, bait out his windwall and cage - everfrost - Q-W-R and your set. You can zone him off of teamfights with your cage but in return he can peel for his team with his windwall. Yasuo has pretty good waveclear so slowpush a wave or two into him before roaming, and avoid roaming once he hits infinity edge since he can just nado the wave and insta-clear it.
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion
Runes: Safe | Starting Item: Corrupting Potion
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Miss Fortune
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring| Samira is easily your biggest counter bot-lane, as long as she has any competence you will suffer. She is extremely good at sticking on you with her dashes and can windwall everything but your cage. On top of that, Samira snowballs extremely hard and extremely fast completely snuffing out your mid-game if she even gets a couple kills.
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring| Extremely pokey, very good sustain into you and can spellshield everything you throw at her. It use to be a major matchup but after the sivir rework she scales so hard she completely invalidates you once she gets 2-3 items.
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring
Runes: Laning |Starting Item: Dring| His early laning is one of the best in the game, and his mid game is excellent due to how his kit functions. Avoid his arrows at all costs and if you ult immediately back away as fast as possible, use your sums if you have them. He severely outranges you in teamfights and will poke you off every opportunity
This guide is still a work in progress, excuse me for any missing details and please provide feedback.
How is Veigar played?
- Burst Mage
- Farming
- Level 6 Reliant
- Zoning
Pros and Cons
- Role Flexible (Mid, Bot, Support)
- Hyperscaler with a good mid-game
- Best CC in the game (Cage)
- Effective Burst Mage
- Very Simple Learning Curve
- Not Very Good Early Game
- Long CD's Early/Mid Game
- Useless Without CD's
- Very Immobile
- Polarising Match Ups
What Counters Veigar?
- Ranged comps cripple Veigar
- Invincibility/healing can be annoying to deal with
- Massive healthbars/MR can be problematic lategame
- Very burstable when cage is down by assassins
- Alternate between last hitting minions with your Q and poking enemies with your Q whenever you get manaflow/Taste of blood up
- Your W is a lot larger than it seems, use it to throw enemies off
- Centre all your trades around your cage, never trade without it up even if you dont use it
- Your cage halts all dashes (except unstoppable dashes like hecarim and malphite ult)
- Group with your team for objectives if you have decent stacks so you can snowball and not have your stacks be useless
- If you haven't gotten good stacks just sidelane and tp to fights if need be
- Kills will come naturally, be careful with roaming
- Play for fights and picks before objective, never fight one on one unless you get pick from fog
- Force objectives such as dragon or even baron since your cage and burst is amazing late game around objective terrain
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