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Ability Order
Serpentine Grace (PASSIVE)
Cassiopeia Passive Ability
Chapter 1
I use to start with boots and 3 health pots (as I do with almost every champion), and rush wota, get blue and farm everything I can get, specially the enemy wraits. The boots is intentional, and I like to change sorcerers with merc threads, if the enemy team got heavy cc. and I also like to go giants belt if they focus me in teamfights. I like to rush deathcap before ryal, but this is situational
In teamfights I focus the closest, squishyest target, often the ad carry. If you can get a ulti on all the enemies, the team fight is as good as yours. The spell combo I prefer is W Q, and then I spam E, wich is the spell I max first.
There is special champions I dont like to face mid, and that is Kennen, Galio, Talon and Ahri is a bit hard too, but with an early blue from your jungler, it should be fine. I hope you find this guide helfull, and I may make another one in the future
This guide is still under progess
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