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TinyStar's Signature Boutique <3 Resources and More

TinyStar's Signature Boutique <3 Resources and More

Updated on May 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TinyStar Build Guide By TinyStar 25 1 16,249 Views 15 Comments
25 1 16,249 Views 15 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TinyStar Build Guide By TinyStar Updated on May 29, 2013
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Simple Start

Hello,if you're here it's probably because you're wondering how I make my signatures and other images. Well to start off I use a program called Photoshop,so somethings may apply just to photoshop. Anyways, this somethings I do or use to make my graphics. If you have questions,please email me.Thank you!

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Tutorials by TinyStar

I'll try to post as many tutorials as possible! <3

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C4D’s & More

This what I mainly what the images I use. Each example has a link to the image. From there you can explore other things or other images you'd like to use. I bet you're wondering what all this stuff is. I'll explain.

C4D: C4D stands for Cinema 4D, and is a program made by Maxon used for creating 3D images.

Fratcal/Nebula: A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Nebula images are well, pictures created of a nebula. They are used quite often in signature work and give a great spark to the image.

Render: These are basically a cut out. The "subject" in the image is out.

Color Schemes: Color schemes are your main colors you pick out. I sometimes use these to make gradients

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Bokeh and Textures

Okay,you're like,"Bokeh?" The photographer in me is coming out!!!:3 (I'm only gonna give you one bokeh texture, one texture and one bokeh. I don't use the same ones over again.)

A Japanese word meaning blur or out of focus,but in photography bokeh has been defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light" However, differences in lens aberrations and aperture shape cause some lens designs to blur the image in a way that is pleasing to the eye.

These are fun to add into signatures!!!

the illusion of having physical texture. These can make you signatures explode with beauty.

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Brushes and Fonts

I get most of brushes through DeviantART. They have lots of brushes and can find pretty much anything brushes wise. You should check it out!

These are my fave fonts. Most fonts are from Dafont. Dafont is awesome. I discovered it back in 2010,and I have lots of fonts!! >.<;

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DeviantART Artists Credit

It's important to credit the artists at Deviantart.




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My Little Galaxy

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Ending Note

Remember,there is no right or wrong way making graphics,you just have to develop your own style. Don't let others change your style because different is awesome! Have fun with it. I can't wait to see what you create!!! Don't be shy to ask questions. *Hugs and smiles* I'm always here as a friend. <3

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