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Garen is solely melee Tahm Kench is able to utilize this at lvl 2 since he can get his stacks and devour him making Garen a very easy lane matchup
While Olaf does have mostly melee attacks and abilities his q allows him to attack you from a distance and his ult allows him to attack you without fear of your devour since it negates it. If needed ask for assistance from your jg at lvl 6 so you can stay in the game and try to avoid his q.
Master Yi
Should you encounter him then you most likely just won the lane since all but his w are melee.
He has a bit of sustain with his q which can heal him if it hits you and is just as good at melee if not better and has stacks as well do not engage him when he gets his ult and has mr otherwise this will be hard since at max stacks he will do immense damage with his ult and cause heavy bleed damage if he kills you with his ult tell your jg to not engage since he can use it again. All in all the best thing to do is to freeze lane and get help from your jg as soon as possible cause he will most likely out sustain you even if your higher level since minions don't block his q.
Although teemo is fragile he still does more than you with everything his q makes it impossible to get your stacks his poison makes it hard to trade with him and his ult makes it hard to sneak up on him since it grants vision and does damage and slows. The worst part is that he can avoid your q with his w since he can be harder to hit and his q will deal a lot of damage. rush abyssal scepter and any other mr items to fight him cause if he gets ahead your going to be in trouble.
Tahm Kench
This matchup can go either way you could get the first hit and devour him first or he can you can get the most cs or he can really there is no counter here its all who gets the first hit and who has more attack speed. It also depends on who is higher leveled.
Aatrox is going to be hard since he can revive himself and has sustain and damage with his w and can knock you up with his q making him a little difficult to deal with but his main source of damage is his w and his r which will burst you down if you are caught off guard. Build zhonyas first to avoid his r and to take the hits he deals with his w and be sure to ask for help from your jg.
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