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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
Examples of high armor solo champions.
Irelia, Jarvan, Cho'gath, Renekton, Rumble
Examples of low armor solo champions.
Ashe, Akali, Anivia, Annie, Gangplank, Kassasdin, Vlad
Nidalee is a very competent farmer and dominates solo lanes. During the laning phase you should always prioritize last hits over harassment. A top Nidalee player finds the time to make room for both harassment and keeps up with last hits. Make sure your mana is never full and always top yourself off with
. If you find yourself near max mana run past the creep wave and auto attack the enemy. At level six always make sure you are near max health when you engage the enemy, keep pressure and wear your enemy down with your cougar form abilities. If the enemy is near kill range don't be afraid to flash offensively to combo them.
Beware of and . They are the two junglers that can gank you pre-6 and really cause damage. DON'T USE in the early levels.
To push the wave fast throw an auto attack on all the caster minions, then pounce swipe. Without auto attacks the minions will not be in kill range for pounce swipe.
When the enemy is not present in the lane punish them by killing their minions and pushing the tower. The second you see them gone, PUSH!
Beware of and . They are the two junglers that can gank you pre-6 and really cause damage. DON'T USE in the early levels.
To push the wave fast throw an auto attack on all the caster minions, then pounce swipe. Without auto attacks the minions will not be in kill range for pounce swipe.
When the enemy is not present in the lane punish them by killing their minions and pushing the tower. The second you see them gone, PUSH!
Nidalee is great in team fights, despite what others may think. Her endgame
can heal to 1000 health. Try to stay in the back throw all your human form abilities (that means trap too!) before shifting into cat. Nidalee's poke is beyond godlike, always tell your team to give you blue buff before fighting (YOU MUST HAVE IT ENDGAME TO POKE).
Heal priority:
Yourself --> Tank --> Biggest killing spree ally --> everyone else.
Try not to overextend if you are out of heal range, it is key to start healing ASAP.
Avoid team fights if you can continue to dominate lane. After first tower is taken you must BUY WARDS.
If you are able to rush a fast with AP Nidalee, you can grab blue and tell your team to gather mid. Make sure your spear is level 4-5 before attempting. A fast death cap and blue buff bring incredible poke control ABUSE IT.
Heal priority:
Yourself --> Tank --> Biggest killing spree ally --> everyone else.
Try not to overextend if you are out of heal range, it is key to start healing ASAP.
Avoid team fights if you can continue to dominate lane. After first tower is taken you must BUY WARDS.
If you are able to rush a fast with AP Nidalee, you can grab blue and tell your team to gather mid. Make sure your spear is level 4-5 before attempting. A fast death cap and blue buff bring incredible poke control ABUSE IT.
Kiting and wall jumping are particularly hard mechanics to explain on text. I will be adding videos to this section explaining both!
Notes: Press H to position Nidalee before she is about to jump over wall. If your pounce is on CD and you are being chased by the enemy, she will not turn around and try to auto attack.
Notes: Press H to position Nidalee before she is about to jump over wall. If your pounce is on CD and you are being chased by the enemy, she will not turn around and try to auto attack.
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