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Tristana Build Guide by herbzzz420

Tristana Beast build

Tristana Beast build

Updated on March 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author herbzzz420 Build Guide By herbzzz420 1,543 Views 0 Comments
1,543 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author herbzzz420 Tristana Build Guide By herbzzz420 Updated on March 12, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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This is a build ive been working on for trist i feel works really well and i always do work
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as for runes i go for armor pen quints attack speed marks armor seals and magic resist blues i really prefer that set deals out alot of damage quickly while not taking to much damage.
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you can change them around a little but i always find tristana to be a good money maker dorans blade in the beginning works well i like to go greaves right after but i have skipped them and rushed a bloodthirster faster and it worked quite well just cant get away as good. i like to go blood thirster because minion kills are easy to get with trist and as i said shes a money maker after that i go yous blade or a zeal would work well then frozen mallet to keep them close and give some extra health as for last item i usually go for infinity edge but i always keep zeal-phatom dancer in mind depends on how the game is going.
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Skill Sequence

I like to go with the burst shot because you can explode the minions on last hit so laning becomes alot easier from the excess damage then rocket jump so i can finish off someone low or to get away quickly. i go 3 on burst 3 rocket and 1 ult before i start to level my q because i really dont find the q usefull untill that point when you are taking turrets and are starting to earn money quickly from the exploding shots. at that point i level everything and my last 4 levels will be my q.
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this build is more of a late game build you will be able to out due whoever your laning against can get away and initiate with ease with the range and attack speed you have you can harrass fairly easy.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author herbzzz420
herbzzz420 Tristana Guide
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Tristana Beast build

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