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Tristana Build Guide by RaptorSB

Tristana - Hybrid

Tristana - Hybrid

Updated on November 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RaptorSB Build Guide By RaptorSB 3,165 Views 0 Comments
3,165 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RaptorSB Tristana Build Guide By RaptorSB Updated on November 18, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity



This is just to test a theory or two, as a newbish player. This has only been tested in solo play (5v5 with me and all bots), but seemed to do nicely there. I'm sure once I get into the actual PvP side of things, a lot will have to change.
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Desolation runes for the Armor Pen, Vigor and Replenishment because Tristana is a bit squishy and a mana hungry little lady.
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Items here are designed to give you a good mix of Attack Damage, Ability Power and Attack Speed.
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Skill Sequence

My skill sequence may seem a little strange compared to others that are out there. I rarely use Rocket Jump, so I take it when I have to and last of all.
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Summoner Spells

I'm a new player, and not all that great at the game to begin with. So, I take Heal and Clarity to make sure that I can keep the edge when it's needed.
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The biggest thing about playing games, in my mind, is to have fun. I have a blast playing Tristana, and I've tried to make this build reflect that.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RaptorSB
RaptorSB Tristana Guide
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Tristana - Hybrid

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