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Tristana Build Guide by BHsss13

Tristana Little but strong Build

Tristana Little but strong Build

Updated on March 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BHsss13 Build Guide By BHsss13 1,261 Views 0 Comments
1,261 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BHsss13 Tristana Build Guide By BHsss13 Updated on March 12, 2012
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This is my first build, this build increases the speed of Tristana making her be a super-overpowered champion that kills turrets in less than an instant, with this build you can jungle with Tristana, you can go into a 2v1 fight with her and still being unbeatable.

Don't you hate when people just ruin your kill-streaks?
Well with this build for Tristana you shouldn't worry any more, if someone attacks you you will be able to defend yourself in a 1v1 situation.
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the runes I chose are good for me, these runes not always work on some people and if you want you could change them, my runes are based on DPS and hitting as much as you can in the least time.
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My masteries are all focused on impatience and full on damage !
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Early game

First you need to stay in your range not to close and try killing minions to make some explosive damage to your enemies, I recommend you go bot.
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Mid game

You can start Jungling and making dives against one enemy as you are supposed to have your phantom dancer.
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Late Game

You are not invincible but you do some pretty sick damage, you now can dive freely against AP champions that dont have armor or defensive items. Good Luck.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BHsss13
BHsss13 Tristana Guide
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Tristana Little but strong Build

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