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Tristana Build Guide by Myixz

Tristana Solo carry

Tristana Solo carry

Updated on July 14, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Myixz Build Guide By Myixz 5,484 Views 2 Comments
5,484 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Myixz Tristana Build Guide By Myixz Updated on July 14, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



This build is extremely good don't lower it cause you have a disagreement on it make adjustments if you please but I've solo carried teams with this build I've penta killed with this build so don't go like why do u have this you should have this. Have fun with it and it works on almost all the ranged ad carry champs.
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most runes are self explanatory but the yellow ones. i have then cause when u do 1k damage every .5 seconds u can devastate a team therefor you are gonna be target a lot so having a little hp wont hurt like i said don't lower it if u dis agree on one stupid thing change it if you wish. but all I'm gonna say is you will surprised how many times that little amount of hp saved me.
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Ive gotten to 100+ minions in 20 minutes so there's no reason why you shouldn't. last shot minions and don't get ganked ok don't over extend cause you'll be surprised how many times I had to solo carry cause of those stupid people.
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Team Work

Call out the tank to initiate and if you are caught out of position get into position as quickly as possible u do 90% of that damage so don't get caught out of it too much. you will have a priority on red buff over any1 except a Warwick Teemo and a Xin.
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Creeping / Jungling

If you are mid call out red with your tank have the jungler weaken him and run in there quickly and kill it this helps a lot and after all this is what the jungler is meant do keep the lanners ahead of the others and gank.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Myixz
Myixz Tristana Guide
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Tristana Solo carry

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