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Tristana Build Guide by Makiisu

Tristana - The Endgame Menace

Tristana - The Endgame Menace

Updated on October 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Makiisu Build Guide By Makiisu 2,491 Views 0 Comments
2,491 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Makiisu Tristana Build Guide By Makiisu Updated on October 18, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



Hello, and welcome to my Tristana build. I will be covering some important aspects of one of my favorite champions, Tristana. This build will be covering her ability to be a very affective carry mid - late game.
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Farming is one of your best tools with any champion. Quoting one of my favorite players, Dyrus, "Farm can never betray you." With this in mind go and farm it up, normally you will either be in solo mid or laning with a partner on bot if you have a jungler mostly because Tristana is not a very good solo top because she is just way to squishy and easily out laned early game if she is not careful. If you are soloing mid make sure to keep harass going with your amazingly long range so you can keep pressure on your opponent.
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One question alot of people ask me is why don't I build tanky mid - late game, my main reason is because if your playing Tristana right you should not have to, her range is insane allowing you to always keep your distance in lane or in teamfights as well as a great escape mechanism. This is just the way I build Tristana and feel free to experiment with your own unique ways of playing this simply amazing champ.
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Pros / Cons


Amazing Range
Great dps
Escape mechanism
Can Carry
Can out dps other ranged carrys
Awesome skins


Easily out laned early game
Cc destroys you
Needs farm early game
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Summoner Spells


Ghost: Pairs up nicely with Exhaust to insure a kill or a getaway
Exhaust: Good for catching people as they attempt to run or good to help get away


Teleport: Nice if your soloing
Flash: Kind of a ghost substitute your W kind of makes it useless though
Ignite: Nice to insure kills during laning phase

No, Just No

Cleanse: Not bad i guess if you need it but a good Tristana should not
Clarity: You should not be using that much mana
Fortify: leave it to the tank
Smite: Why?
Clairvoyance: Leave it to your support
Heal: If you want it I guess
Rally: So useless for Tristana
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Ranked Play

I have not tried this in ranked if you would like to try it in ranked please go ahead and tell me how it works out in the comments :)
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All in all Tristana is an amazing late game carry. She is a viable pick high elo imo. She has the ability to solo mid as well as lane with a partner very effectively when used correctly. I hope you all have enjoyed my first build, and I hope it treats you as well as it has me. I will be posting screen shots of scores as soon as possible, feel free to send me your screen shots my e-mail is, thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Makiisu
Makiisu Tristana Guide
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Tristana - The Endgame Menace

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