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Trundle Build Guide by Zalmox

Trolling the League

Trolling the League

Updated on August 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zalmox Build Guide By Zalmox 2,509 Views 0 Comments
2,509 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zalmox Trundle Build Guide By Zalmox Updated on August 28, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Trolling Tanks

This is my way of building Trundle, i'm sorry if I will not write to much.

The items I chose for Trundle differs allot from what i'v seen on other builds, so far it worked good for me and did allot of damage to tanks and still be abel to finish the fight alive

with the Lantern u get enough life steal with this build but if u wana feel safer , you can buy later on Starks F.

Due to the SoD's Active abiity you should be tearing up any1 wich comes close to you and even if the ability it's nout enough you still have an edge with your W skill and your ulti against any tanks that you encounter or other players

I know I'm missing allot of CC items here and this build is moustly for Dps and not to much tanking

And Yes i know about the Mardreds Bloodrazor but untill u farm enough gold this is for me the fastest way to get kills and stay alive in the same time

And remember use SoD every time you have the opportunity beacose it has a low cd so this ability should be up in every fights
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Try to be safe and work with your team and moust importantly don't rage, it's just a game

I hope this build will help you as much as it helped me

I am verry aware that i messed probably the skill sequence but as moust of the Trundle guides say max 1st E skill then W but also put 1 point in E at lvl 5 or 4 for a better gank at early game

Have fun with it

Comments would be nice after you trie this build and tell me how it worked for it
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I didn't payed to much attention to jungling guides and i bet that some of ya ask your selfs why would i go for a Vampiric Scepter, well it's to keep me allive more in the jungle

For me after i get a Vampiric Scpeter lets me lane/jungle for more time even with low mana
Also allowes me to hold a lane aswell in case a team mate neesds to make a '' Tactical Retreat''

But you guys are welcome to go with whatever u fell comfy with
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The runes i chose are pretty standard as far as I'v seen helps me stay allive more time

Also works good if u want Flat Armor Seals
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zalmox
Zalmox Trundle Guide
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Trolling the League

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