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Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
you may ask me whay a 24/6/0 trundle when I mostly see 21/9/0 or 9/21/0 trundle well it is simple. YOU DONT NEED THEM 1% dodge chanse isn't gonna change anything and you dont use a lot of mana so the hp recovery wont be a good one. I take one point in ap because you have to put one and i dont use the other summoner spells.
you first start with a dorans blade and rabid bite, this set up will give you the two things that trundle needs health and ad. Some peaple never played vs trundle so suprise yi or jax with the passive of rabid bite and the only thing you will hear is the magnificient sound of first blood. When you come back to your base you should grab an other doran and your boots of speed.
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