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Kayle Build Guide by yoogo0

True kayle

True kayle

Updated on April 22, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author yoogo0 Build Guide By yoogo0 2,192 Views 0 Comments
2,192 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author yoogo0 Kayle Build Guide By yoogo0 Updated on April 22, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Surge


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



im new so idk how to add picture of items and stuff...
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SO! first you get the hp regen and a manna potion so you can stay in lane for log
2 get singer.i get it for its cooldown and atk speed(ill get rid of it last and replace with phantom under ATTACK SPEED
3 get the belt for sunfires cape( a little extra health and splash)
4 get malady.under attack speed also
(its for speed and splash)
5 jump right in to madreds bloodrazor(speed and % of enimies health)
6 since you can 1v2 now (1v3 if they're all squishy) you need 2 slow them comstant because they'll run away. get hammer then tranility force(it have everything including speed and slow)
7 phantom blade or something...
the sunfire cape gives kayle a true feeling complementing the E skill :D
the surge makes it go big to look like a judicator that judges your death with its horror :D
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Skill Sequence

1 get E so u can farm(ask for ur teammates 2 leash a blue.this way you can lv up to 2 quickly and harrass)
2 get Q for harrass and slow them.(try to lane with other champs with strong lv 1 burst like riven to secure at least a kill or two firing up your surge+E and ignite)
3 get Q lv2 or W depending on your situation of needing health or good enough to keep farming
4 i used too trying to equalizing Q/E for maximum dmg because kayles based on speed for this build. but E doesnt do much even if you max it first at low level.
SO! i get Q lv3 to last hit if they hug turret-.-
*lv1 E
*lv2 Q
lv3 Q or W depends
*lv4 Q
*lv5 if ur Q is lv3 get W .if u got W at lv3 get Q
*lv6 E
*lv7 w or Q

(max Q then E then W last)
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if you can hardly get any kills well...jungle at lv 8+ then farm minions. dont try to get a champ kill untill you get malady+sunfire cape

if you are just...R**ping . you are a carry not a support at mid game
At late game if you are falling behind because enimies want to gank you for being OP and most of them are tank/ad/ad such as yi and blitz together you better run,farm some more,sell sunfire cape get mallet to tank.

you can bethe 1st to be lv18 if u jungle mid game
if not just get blue for cooldown so you can lit up ur E all the time
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runes all depends on your play style .
i hateeeeee cooldown on kayle . its too long and often gets you killed-.- i die alot when my skill have .1 sec left and i cant cast it for kill lol...

attack speed for mark(red)
armor penetration(yellow) seal
cooldown for (blue)
1 movement for Quin.
1 dmg and 1 atk speed or both speed

and you if you guys are still reading and doesnt mind my spelling. thumbs up :D
leave a comment or something to show the newbie* how to add images for skills and items lol
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League of Legends Build Guide Author yoogo0
yoogo0 Kayle Guide
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True kayle

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