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Trundle Build Guide by Youhavebeenpwn



Updated on August 3, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Youhavebeenpwn Build Guide By Youhavebeenpwn 2,018 Views 0 Comments
2,018 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Youhavebeenpwn Trundle Build Guide By Youhavebeenpwn Updated on August 3, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



This build is very special, it combines tanking while doing lots of damage. The enemy team will be saying "Why won"t he die!?!?!?!?" and "Why is our team dieing!?!?!!?" thus this build will pwn and stay alive at the same time.
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Health marks and attack speed marks help early game also quints help alot all game. Glyphs and seals help surviablity early game
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A very weird masteries set up here but i see it helps with damage while also giving you you armor and exp.
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You start out with Dorans shield and then go for Berserker Greaves and then go straight for Warmogs, and then we get some DPS items like Atmas Impaler, this will help your damage, then go for Trinity Force. And this is where you can get any items you want it really does not matter your already tanky and doing a lot of damage.
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Skill Sequence

You want to max Rabid Bite ASAP, this helps your damage till you get Atmas Impaler. Then max Contaminate next it also helps with your DPS early game before Atmas Impaler.
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Summoner Spells

Ghost helps Contaminate with extra Movement Speed, this will inturn help you with your chasing and running away power. Exhaust helps with stopping damage and chasing.
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Alot of tanking while killing the enemy team. A perfect combination, all in one champion.

Thanks for reading
youhavebeenpwn :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Youhavebeenpwn
Youhavebeenpwn Trundle Guide
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