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Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Introduction/Jungle & Lane guide.
For both the jungle and lane start of game going with nothing else then the Vampiric Scepter is just stupid. Think of it with lifesteal and bonus damage from your Rabid Bite plus your hero passive that gives you a plus 6% from the base health from nearly creeps when they die, you (if you don't fail terribly) should be unkillable when laning. I go for Berserker's Greaves because as i mentioned earlier i think attackspeed is core for Trundle and i do not like to go for Mercury's Treads since you already get the "tenacity" from you Contamination. Trundle is already an excellent chaser with the Pillar of Filth which blocks enemy and slows their movement speed, and Contamination which increases your own movement speed. If you ad slowing attacks to that with Frozen Mallet you should never be able to be outrunned. After that i grab an Atma's Implaer for crit and the bonus 2% of you base HP. You can play around a little bit if you want to go for the Warmog's Amor before or after your Atma's Impaler. And as mentioned way to many times attackspeed is ridicoulously good for Trundle in my opinion and the damage you get from Black Cleaver is welcome aswell. I dont think your Wriggle's Lantern is a lategame item of any rank so i always sell it and go for a Bloodthirster to get increased damage and lifesteal.
Pretty basic. Deadliness for the 2% extra crit. Smite is pretty obvious since you most likely will jungle with him its nice with the 5 bonus gold, use it as often as possible! I think attack speed is CORE to a successful Trundle build therefore i hit 4/4 in Alacrity instead of Sorcery which i go 3/4 in anyway. Offensive Mastery is VERY unnecessary even for a jungler. And the only reason that i go for Archaic Knownledge is because it makes my ultimate deal more damage because it negates some magic resistance. Also an obvious 3/3 in Sunder for extra armor pen, always welcome to meele fighters. Brute Force is also mainstream but mostly to progress in the mastery tree. Lethality is in my opinion one of the most awesome masterys in the game that on most heroes combined with a Ifinity Edge is nearly 300%, though i dont buy one of those its a really good mastery anyway. And Havoc Is as you would imagine all wee need to finish our offensive mastery tree. Lets continiue, i dont go for defense though this is a pretty tanky build. It makes more sense to go for the utility tree since you as a jungler never say no to extra experience and regen therefore i go with Perserverence and Awareness and if you like me decide to go with Ghost as one of your summoner spells Haste is obvious.
PILLAR OF FLITH is one of the most OP spells/abilities in the entire game it can BLOCK a hero of completely at some special places on the map. Also it can (i am not sure if it is patched CANCEL some champions ultimates like Galio's Idol of Durand
CONTAMINATION is the only area of effect self buff in the entire game with a "tenacity" effect that reduces crowd control effects like Galio's slow Resolute Smite.
CONTAMINATION is the only area of effect self buff in the entire game with a "tenacity" effect that reduces crowd control effects like Galio's slow Resolute Smite.
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