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Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
I normally buy wriggles lantern then sell it at the end to buy my sunfire, why do i buy sunfire? i believe because trundle it mellee and doesnt have any aoe moves it helps him deal damage while being in the fight and beating the tar out of the enemy team. I then buy ninja tabi because the damage reduction is fantastic, and the Armour is needed on trundle i think. I then follow up with Frozen Mallet because of the health and the slow effect it works well in team fights. Bloodthirster- i think this is a core item in trundles build because of this item trundle has the survivability he needs, and this item reaches up up 100 AD when fully stacked!!! Infinity Edge- some people may not agree with this but i think its a great item overall, i mean 250% damage on crit... that's awesome. Guardians Angel- When youre in the team fight and you get completely nuked down, no need to worry guardians angel is here to help, and the armour/magic resist is a great addition to it as well.
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