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Ryze Build Guide by Pall Jack

Trust your mana!

Trust your mana!

Updated on June 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pall Jack Build Guide By Pall Jack 2,324 Views 0 Comments
2,324 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pall Jack Ryze Build Guide By Pall Jack Updated on June 9, 2012
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Hello all, this is my first guide, so i'll focus on my favourite champion which is Ryze!!!! ;d

The main reason was, than today feeded xin reported me because of i have had 50 ap and killed him. He said, it was cheates. ;D

So enjoy :P
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-Strong through whole game
-Very tanky and hard to kill
-Crazy burst damage
-Your prison up to 2,5 sec is great tool for chasing enemies and also escaping

-Weak Farmer
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Marks: i use of course magic penetration which is core for and ap carry.
Seals: i use flat armor, good for early sustain on line.
Glyphs: i use magic resist, for mid it is must-have, great survavilibity.
Quintessence: i use swiftnes. I think that mobility is most useful. both for escaping and catching enemys.
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What about items? This is very interesting. For Ryze essential is to stack as much mana as he can, because ap damage is not so big.
So we start with sapphire crystal and potion of health and mana. Ihis combination gives you more mana= more spells and bigger damage + potions for longer fight on the line.

Than!!!! The most important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buy tear of the goodnes as fast as you can, to stack mana from the early game. It is the most important item for ryze. It has 1000+350 mana (max) and gives also big mana regen.
After buying mage boots, you can start fight for real.
It is also quite cheap path co you can really fast start to getting feed.

Than, again mana ;d What you need now is Glacial Shroud! It is again not expencive item, but gives you 450 mana and big armor. Great item for early-mid.

You dont need to finish frozen hart now, so we can focus on Banshee's Veil.
Again mana + magic resist. In this moment you will have probably about 3k mana and70 armor and 80 magic resist. (You are carry!!!!!!!!) You are extrimely hard to kill naw, and your damage output is creazy!!! Best moment to feed!!!

Than i advice to buy Rod of Ages. Even more mana and healtk + AP. What you more want too?! ;d
You can also now finish frozen hart if there is awesome tryndamer or fiora. But then buy Rod of Ages.

Next, you have fully stacked Tear and huge ammonut of mana. Finishing now archangel staff is great idea. In this moment you will obtain about 250+ AP.

Last item i again archangel. Why not rod of ages? About 100 mana less and 450 hp less but the advantigue of ap is huge.

If enemy is stacking magic resist you can take void staff.

And if enemy is heavy cc and you feel you need mercurys, void is must-have.
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Skill Sequence

Q is your main source of damage so upgrade it alvays when you can. It gives also cooldown reduction which is eaven better choice to max it firstly.

One point for E early is good choice because of magic resist debuff and you can continue your combo using your passive. But max it at last.

W, eh that prison :) CC is CC so take one point on level 2 but max it on 13 level.

R of course every time you can.
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Summoner Spells

This is always hard...

Why not clarity? You will use it 2 times in early and what later? You just cant burn 4k mana without going back to the baze in late game ;d Useless.

Why not ignite? Well, why not but you really think in teamfights in late game ignite is any power? I don't.

So my advice is to always use spells usefull in the whole game like flash.

Have you ever used it to escape after stupid enter in bush before minions spawn? YES!

Have you ever used it to finish noob twich with low hp near his turret, because he was thinking, he dont need to b? YES!

Late game, Gank! All of the opponents with baron!!! Flash, and you're safe!!!

Than ghost is also good, both to offence and defence as flash, and you can use it in the whole game. You see teemo low hp, you have no flash so ghost -> runic cage -> teemo is sleeping ;d

Why not exhaust? Why not, you can. For me it is harder to escape with exhause than with ghost, but it is your choice ;d
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This build offers really good defence and maximum attack.
Just remamber to use proper youre passive, and you'll get as me 30 min ago 9/0/14 ;d;d;d

GL, HF Guys.

It was my first Tutorial, i hope you enjoyed it :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pall Jack
Pall Jack Ryze Guide
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Trust your mana!

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