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Tryndamere - Burning hero.

Tryndamere - Burning hero.

Updated on June 9, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowNexus Build Guide By ShadowNexus 1,782 Views 1 Comments
1,782 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowNexus Build Guide By ShadowNexus Updated on June 9, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


1. Introduction

Hello everyone. This is my very first build. Hope you like it :D
If you don't like this please say what should i improve.
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Tryndamere - Spinning guy, Flaming guy, Awesome crit guy. He's one of the best carry champs in game. I will show my way playing as Tryndamere.
Here you can see my first ranked game with trynda :
1.He is tryndamere
2.He is barbarian king
3.He is with big sword
4.Can spin
5.Huge cirts
6.He can be on fire :D (Endless rage)
7.Q skill lets him to survive in lanes much longer
8.Insane AOE slow.

1.His left hand is not that strong as right.
2.Only 2 skins
3.Hard to play early game (1-6lvl)
4.Item dependant
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In my opinion best runes for trynda are Furor (crit dmg). Some say it is better to buy malice, but i think furor is more valuable than malice. Yes, you will start with lower crit chance, but in late game your crits with furor runes will be amazing. Also furor runes help you in endless rage, when your crit chance is 100%. Just 1-3 hits and all enemies around you are dead :P
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I take 21/0/9. I think they are the best.
1.Why i take Greed?
-Trynda is item dependant so extra gold is always good.
2.Why i take Good hands?
-Because perseverance only increases your max regen. So 4% bigger regen is about +0.5hp/5secs.
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5. Summoner spells

I take Flash and exhaust.
Flash - Sometimes you can't run away with your spin. So flash is good for chasing, running.
Exhaust - To catch fast enemies. Also to fight vs melee champs that have cc. (Like Xin)
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I buy Health potion and Brawler's gloves. try to stay as much as possible in lane. Then buy avarice blade for extra gold + crit chance. Then AS boots. Then try to get B.F sword and build it to infinity. Now your crits will deal about 800 dmg. Next two items are 2 phantoms. Why 2? Cause they give a lot of movement speed so you can catch enemies. Also they give crit chance and Attack speed. More chance, more kills :D Then buy Lifesteal for survivalability. I usually buy 2 Bloodthisters. If enemies team is tanky buy 1 Bloodthister and 1 Razor.
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7.Skill sequence

All we now that main trynda skill is Q. But E skill is better in the first lvl. If you go fb you will not be able to escape so fast. Max W skill as secondary, cause it gives 50% slow in 5 Rank. Slow down enemies, kill then, buy items, WIN :D
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8.Final words

Hope you liked my build. If you downvote me pls say what's wrong. Have fun with Tryndamere and his epic crits :D
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