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Tryndamere Build Guide by paynechips

Tryndamere - Stuff is Goin' DOWN

Tryndamere - Stuff is Goin' DOWN

Updated on March 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author paynechips Build Guide By paynechips 3,037 Views 1 Comments
3,037 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author paynechips Tryndamere Build Guide By paynechips Updated on March 12, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Tryndamere
  • LoL Champion: Tryndamere


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Hey everyone, I am going to try to get this kicked off, I am just starting in the whole build/guid ordeal... I am going to try my best at explaining since I am not the best a this... Well, here we go!
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Alright, I am going to explain WHY I chose these runes, I chose these runes because of the fact that Tryn is ALL about Crit and AD... I use the Furor Quints for higher Crit Dmg to get that extra boost onto my Infinity Edge when I build it... The Malice Glyphs are for the higher Crit chance, when combined with The Furor Quints it makes higher Damage and when combined with Tryn's passive it is just AMAZING... I use the Alacrity Seals and Des. Marks is because to me there is no other way to go you can play around and Tweak it a bit if you would like, but I recommend these runes for maximum Tryn dmg early game...
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Skill Sequence

I choose this sequence of skills for the simple reason that it stresses Tryndamere's Heal and Spin which is good for a jungle Tryn (for me anyways) I have had so many occasions where I will save myself with my q just because I have stressed it so much early game... as for the spin, you can use it to combo together to deal massive damage... I drop a point into the w so early is because of the fact that it doesn't JUST slow, it also lowers the AD of an enemy champion for a period of time... Just a neat little fact for you...
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League of Legends Build Guide Author paynechips
paynechips Tryndamere Guide
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Tryndamere - Stuff is Goin' DOWN

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