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Tristana Build Guide by Twelvetails

Twelvetails' Tristana Guide

Twelvetails' Tristana Guide

Updated on September 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Twelvetails Build Guide By Twelvetails 2,741 Views 3 Comments
2,741 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Twelvetails Tristana Build Guide By Twelvetails Updated on September 18, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



Hello there. I am Twelvetails, a 1600 elo (solo queue -- season 1) player who's here to give my build and playstyle of Tristana. Before I start getting into specifics, I must stress that this build works best for mid lane Tristana. In fact, even the support/ad carry bottom is only 'meh' with this build. However, the choice is up to you.

Notes: This is my first ever guide on Mobafire :)
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For Runes, check the above list of what I use.

Explanation: With this rune page, I have 8.6 AD and 22 Armor Pen added on to my base stats, masteries, and starting item at level 1.

This set up is incredibly strong with you your auto attack harassing plus with your activated explosive shot .
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I go with a 21-0-9 Mastery Build. However, only the 21 points in offense is essential. The other 9 points can either go into defensive tree or utility. With this set up, you add on another 6 points of armor penetration and 3 points of attack damage.
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Refer to item build on top.

- I keep Wriggle's Lantern for the whole duration of a game.
- I sell Doran's Blade for the slot for my final bloodthirster.
- Getting a Guardian Angel instead of another bloodthirster or Banshee's Veil would be great too.
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Skill Sequence

Refer to the skill sequence on top.

Tristana's early game utility (whether damage or defense) revolves around her E and W. These allow her to play very aggresive. Her Q is, however, the main power in her late game.
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Summoner Spells

As a squishy AD carry, Flash is a must-have for her. However, Exhaust/Ignite/Ghost are the best options to take as the second spell. Personally I love Exhaust.
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As an AD carry, I can't stress how important it is for Tristana to farm well. When I say farming well, I mean by being efficient. If there are fights/objectives (towers, dragon, baron) going on, help out your team.

In addition, double buffs make Tristana a god in teamfights. While blue buff is not a must, it is still very nice on her.
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This build / guide is only my first one. Love to hear any thoughts or criticism or questions that you may have. Thanks!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Twelvetails
Twelvetails Tristana Guide
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Twelvetails' Tristana Guide

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