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Vladimir Build Guide by ProDivine

U Vlad Bro?! [A Vampire Diary]

U Vlad Bro?! [A Vampire Diary]

Updated on February 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ProDivine Build Guide By ProDivine 2,026 Views 0 Comments
2,026 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ProDivine Vladimir Build Guide By ProDivine Updated on February 1, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Introduction ~

~ Hello there fellow Vladimir players!
Our favourite vampire have gone through some rough nerfs over the years but believe me, he is still one of the greatest mid-lane champions in the game and a great "Mage Off-Tank".
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Early Game ~

~ Make sure you start the game with an Amplifying Tome and one Health Potion, alternate Boots of Speed and a Health pot.
Start with the Q spell Transfusion, for those who don't know it is a short range life-drain where you do a lot of magic damage and drain some of it to your health bar. This is your main damage output through the whole game so make sure you max it first!

In early game it is important that you stay calm and farm a lot before you go for a kill or a major push. The most important item for Vladimir is "Will of The Ancients" and you have to get it early. The item will provide you with Spell Vamp and Ability Power, which is awesome for Vlad!
When you have WotA you can start harassing and you will see that Vladimir is very strong 1v1 early in the game.

Also remember that you can get away from ganking and that very easily with Vlad thanks to the Sanguine Pool combined with Flash!
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Late Game ~

~ I chose to jump forward to late game coz' the mid game is pretty much the same as the early game, you farm a lot, harass a lot and build AP and Spell Vamp.

Later on you will have to get to know your passive a lot more. It provides Vladimir with more Health when you buy AP and the other way around. This is a unique passive because Vlad will get very tanky and a very good magic damage output for your team.

I always go with Spirit Visage, for the Health and CDR (Remember the Health will provide you with extra AP), and Warmog's Armor. Both of these items are pretty important for Vladimir. The last items should be Rabadon's Deathcap and Rylai's C.S, for some more Health and AP.

Now you will realize how amazing Vladimir is in teamfights! Now you will be able to tank your team into the fight and still deal damage big time to your enemies. The Sanguine Pool is very useful here with the slow, the damage and you will be invonourable for a while.

Hope this guide helped you a lot, even if it will help those who haven't played Vladimir before more than the experience ones!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ProDivine
ProDivine Vladimir Guide
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U Vlad Bro?! [A Vampire Diary]

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