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Poppy Build Guide by Soft Chicken

Ultimate poppy build (Ap/Tank)

Ultimate poppy build (Ap/Tank)

Updated on September 8, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Soft Chicken Build Guide By Soft Chicken 24,201 Views 2 Comments
24,201 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Soft Chicken Poppy Build Guide By Soft Chicken Updated on September 8, 2011
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Unique Poppy build to win

Hello eveone, now i wanna tell how i would descripe how to play poppy. First i will buy dorans shield after that i normally go with an range character so we have an 1 melee and 1 range, if we play agianst 1 ap and 1 tank or 1 dps i would go the normal build as i have showed over this descripe, but if i play agiasnt 2 ap i first go dorans shield and then just buy mercery treads. and as you know poppy is not a good farmer thats why i wait in the backgrond sometimes and wait for last hits so my range mate or melee will get it dow for me, sometimes if your mates if a bit greedy just god with him even if he half hp, if you see the nother enemy champ mate point to you mate retreat, then you have got Dorans shield, mercery treads and trinity force you can go a bit more agrresive but allways remember to say to your team mates that you will use ultimate so you can tower dive so your team mates can be ready on it. allways remember to use your ulti mate on the weakest and dont use ultimate on 1vs1 it not good you just waste it on that, but if you will tower dive and are 100% sure to kill the champ just go for it and use ultimate on the champ you try to attack and the tower wont not dmg you ( P.s Pots is up to your self if you buy it or not and instead of trinity you can use lich bane becuase its also good but i like trinity more becuase is give life and mana and attack speed but you can just take lich bane instead of trinity if you will) :D
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About the items

Is hard to explain but i can try...' i buy dorans shield from start becuase i get more life and more armor so i can tank a bit more from start, after that i buy boost of speed to catch people for a kill or assist or so i can faster get away from that champ there are hunting me, after that i buy sheen for more dmg then i go trinity force for attack speed and life and a little ad dmg, then i go sunfire cape and banshees veil for more tank so i can storm 2 and get a way with a kill or just escape, the reason why i buy most ap late game is that poppy dmg really good from start at game but late not so much thats why i buy ap late game. For more information just add me on soft chicken in leauge of legends or write it here :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Soft Chicken
Soft Chicken Poppy Guide
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Ultimate poppy build (Ap/Tank)

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