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Ryze Build Guide by KangaWoo44

Undying Mana Nuker

Undying Mana Nuker

Updated on February 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KangaWoo44 Build Guide By KangaWoo44 1,432 Views 0 Comments
1,432 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KangaWoo44 Ryze Build Guide By KangaWoo44 Updated on February 2, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Hi, this is my first guide posting on MobaFire.
I have been using this site for every single champion I play,
and it's been very useful. So I would like to contribute my thoughts
on how Ryze should be built. This guide is going to be very simple.
I will not make this guide soooo long with abundance of information
people will not want to read. This is just going to be focused on
the basics and the item setup.
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Pros / Cons

Pros : has sealing skill that will prohibit movement of opponent champion.
: great CD on the best damaging skill
: tanky(seriously) nuker(not kidding)

Cons : not that good at farming early game
: squishy to AP early game
: ult is not a damaging skill
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runes, just as any typical ap carry, you will want magic penetraion for marks,
mana regen for seals, ability power for glyphs, and more ability power for the big runes.
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Materies are focused on ability power and at the end, some mana and movement speed.
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I don't know how to make this fancy so I will just do it with words.
first you will want to start with sapphire crystal to boost your mana and damage.
Then get tears as soon as possible for stacking up mana. Then you will probably
feel the need to get some movement speed, so you get sorcerer's boots for magic pen.
This is usually where people go differently from time to time. However, you should
usually stick to the same build because it will provide the most damage early game.
The reason you get the glacial shroud first is mainly for its CD. I will not mention
mana in any items because it is an obvious aspect of items for Ryze. Shroud also gives
armor which will make you semi-durable. Then you go for the catalyst the protector.
The reason you get two in a row is because one is for RoA and another is for Banshee's vail.
You never want to get the fully upgraded items of these first because it costs so much more
gold and get you only little mana additionally. Now if you have those items ready, start
building it up with RoA since it has to do with time, and it also gives more additional mana
compared to others. Then go for the frozen heart for more cd and armor. Then banshee's for magic armor and great passive. Finally, your tears should be reaching around 1000 or close.
Now get your Archangel's staff! As soon as you get the staff, your damage should increase
by a lot more(w and e skill). The 6th item you get will be situational. I like to get
rabadon's deathccap for maximum damage, but you could get many other items instead.
Another Frozen Heart will give you the max CD of 40% and heavy armor(as much as a tank), and of course, more mana. Or you could get more magic armor (abyssal scepter)if opposing team has strong APs.
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Skill Sequence

Usually start off with q since it has the quickest CD. but if opponent is just in your range
and you MUST hold him off for your team, use w first.
Your combo should always end up hitting your opponent with at least two, if not three, q skill.
When playing as Ryze, use smart-cast to make sure u get as many skills in their face.
ex) shift(q -> w -> e -> q -> r -> q -> q -> w -> ....) people usually die or run away before you get to using the second rune prison skill.
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Summoner Spells

ignite and flash should serve you well.
early game, ignite is part of your combo for the surely kill.
Flash is your initiater of your combos and escape tool.
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Ryze is a late-shine champion who can be strong in late game no matter how horrible you play him. Ryze can tank ad damage for good amount which makes him a dueler. His skills are based on mana which is why his powers are hidden. People think he is weak since ability power nor attack damage is high. That is when you show them who's boss. Ryze can usually kill heavy ad carries since they have low magic armor and low health. Ap carries are also easy targets. Do not go for the tanks when teamfighting! Thank you.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KangaWoo44
KangaWoo44 Ryze Guide
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Undying Mana Nuker

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