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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Echoing Flames (PASSIVE)
Urgot Passive Ability
Q, your poke. You must max this first but 2 levels into it.then at level 4,7,and 8.
W, your shield. This needs to be leveled up after your q. Lvl 3 is optimal to help prevent the main combos of other adcs. It gives ghost effects over minions and provides a shield for %hp making black cleaver a good item with steraks.
E, stun. Utility skill to hold another carry or a support in place for you to deal true damade and proc press the attack
R, calcuemulated skill shot. If the carry or support is running with the hp under 25% landing r will enable you to execute. If braum blocks the rerurn he will be grabbed instead and can die at full HP. R also allows you to gain free kills when roaming mid or top as your teams hard work might be wasted by a recall ;P you are welcome whining midlaner
W, your shield. This needs to be leveled up after your q. Lvl 3 is optimal to help prevent the main combos of other adcs. It gives ghost effects over minions and provides a shield for %hp making black cleaver a good item with steraks.
E, stun. Utility skill to hold another carry or a support in place for you to deal true damade and proc press the attack
R, calcuemulated skill shot. If the carry or support is running with the hp under 25% landing r will enable you to execute. If braum blocks the rerurn he will be grabbed instead and can die at full HP. R also allows you to gain free kills when roaming mid or top as your teams hard work might be wasted by a recall ;P you are welcome whining midlaner
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