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Vayne Build Guide by DividedPainn

Vayne OP build *not finished*

Vayne OP build *not finished*

Updated on September 30, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DividedPainn Build Guide By DividedPainn 2,642 Views 3 Comments
2,642 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DividedPainn Vayne Build Guide By DividedPainn Updated on September 30, 2012
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Here's a build guide on vayne.
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Greater mark of Strength:
The amount of damage this gives you early game is crazy. This will help you early game with last hits, and harassing the other opponents.

Greater seal of Strength:
The amount of damage this gives you early game is crazy. This will help you early game with last hits, and harassing the other opponents.

Greater glyph of Alacrity:
The attack speed this gives you is very helpful with last hitting minions. As an ad carry you'll need cs badly.

Greater Quintessence of Strength:
The amount of damage this gives you early game is crazy. This will help you early game with last hits, and harassing the other opponents.
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If you go on the ad side it gives you an even better early game, you'll hit harder etc.
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When you start out you want dorans blade for more health. Get another one for more life steal and damage.

Berserker Greaves: They give you attack speed and that's what you need with vayne.

Zeal: They give you critical hits and more attack speed

Infinity Edge: This item gives you crazy high hits. Get this as fast as possible. It is amazing early games because of the higher critical hits.

Phantom Dancer: This gives you more critical chance.

Blood thirster: Life steal

Guardian Angel: Even though you're squishy if you die you go down while your team finishes them off.
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Pros / Cons


+ Ranged Champion: Amazing farmer
+ Very easy to last hit with tumble
+ Condemn: A stun... everyone loves a stun with an ad carry
+ Extreme damage with, and without damage items
+ High damage output early game
+ Final Hour allows invisibility
+ Fun to play


- Squishy
- Slow attack speed early game
- Slow movement speed
- Targeted easily
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DividedPainn
DividedPainn Vayne Guide
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Vayne OP build *not finished*

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