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Poppy Build Guide by Viiy

Versatile Poppy

Versatile Poppy

Updated on January 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Viiy Build Guide By Viiy 2,037 Views 1 Comments
2,037 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Viiy Poppy Build Guide By Viiy Updated on January 3, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Poppy
  • LoL Champion: Poppy
  • LoL Champion: Poppy
  • LoL Champion: Poppy

Poppy - Versatile Builds : AP/AD/Hybrid/Tank

Hello everyone this is Viiy!~ <3
My job today is to give you the basic fundamentals of playing
my favorite character, Poppy. She's one of the few champions that can be
played in every role: AD/AP/Hybrid/Tank. The basic idea with poppy is getting
in and getting out while soaking up tons of damage and dealing your fair share also.

(This is currently a work in progress.) :) <3
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Build Descriptions

As you can see there are four builds located on the page and in order they are:
AD - AP - Hybrid - Tank. Before we start in aiming at these points let's describe h
the PROs and CONs of playing poppy.

-Really tanky passive.
-High burst damage.
-Ult can change the tide of teamfights and allow tower diving.
-Can play every damage role along with tanking.
-Underestimated by most players.

-Short range
-Hard to gain gold without champion kills
-Limited CC

Poppy has alot more PROs then CONs in my opinion, but im definatly not saying she's the best, just saying shes very versatile and would make a great addition to your champion rotations! <3
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The purpose of this build

The purpose of these builds are simple:
-Decent damage
-Decent survivability
-Decent performance in your role to a team

and most of all...

-To give this short girl a little love she's been neglected since she has been
patched into league of legends! <3
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