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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
i did this build after looking through some other ones. the other ones were outdated but had some good info. so.... i put in some of there thoughts but mostly mind. I WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT THIS BUILD IS FOR MID. this masterys is for his early game only !
u should usually start of with a dorans shield and then move to the boots. get a rylias for health. move onto to a will of the ancients for a more aggressive point. Always good to have some magic penetration so get a void staff. to get that 500 ap top it off with a rabodaons.sell ure shield and get a tooth for cd.
For reds, Greater Mark of Insight, there is no other option.
For yellows, I'm currently useing Greater Seal of Regeneration because it helps me in the laning phase. Other viable options are Greater Seal of Potency, Greater Seal of Force, Greater Seal of Fortitude, Greater Seal of Vitality. You have a lot of options here. For starting Vladimirs, I recommend Hp5 or Hp.
For blues; you also can choose. Greater Glyph of Focus, Greater Glyph of Insight, Greater Glyph of Potency or Greater Glyph of Force are all viable options.
Quints: This one is more of your preference. HP Quints are a standart, but I prefer MS ones. Spell Pene ones are also an option.
For yellows, I'm currently useing Greater Seal of Regeneration because it helps me in the laning phase. Other viable options are Greater Seal of Potency, Greater Seal of Force, Greater Seal of Fortitude, Greater Seal of Vitality. You have a lot of options here. For starting Vladimirs, I recommend Hp5 or Hp.
For blues; you also can choose. Greater Glyph of Focus, Greater Glyph of Insight, Greater Glyph of Potency or Greater Glyph of Force are all viable options.
Quints: This one is more of your preference. HP Quints are a standart, but I prefer MS ones. Spell Pene ones are also an option.
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