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Vladimir Build Guide by Wujumasterz

Vlad likes your blood

Vlad likes your blood

Updated on January 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wujumasterz Build Guide By Wujumasterz 2,085 Views 1 Comments
2,085 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Wujumasterz Vladimir Build Guide By Wujumasterz Updated on January 28, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



What can i say Good champ
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Magic pen Marks Ap per lvl glyphs flat AP Quints and Hp per lvl seals all of this runes (not mark) will help you whit your passive
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10% cooldonw reduction so you can use your Q as soon it possible magic pen some AP and Spellvamp
and some onther important stuff
for masteries can you also pick 21/0/9 better spells/3ap/ magic pen/ CDR /1.5% more damage/AP per lvl/+5%AP/more damage against units below 40% health and also better spells/shorter dead time/+2% speed/+1% spellvamp
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cooldown reduction boots spirit visage and will of the aincients for some more spellvamp Rabadon + Rulai's for ap + some hp also some magic pen
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Skill Sequence

Q is your importants ability W is good to dodge and to farm at same als your E Ult Like Karthus' ult but short range and over time
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Summoner Spells

You can also pick exaust (exaust change whit ignate)
Or ghost (ghost change whit flash)
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Look out for morde he can be a pronlem his armour can block your early game damage
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wujumasterz
Wujumasterz Vladimir Guide
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Vlad likes your blood

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