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Vladimir Build Guide by LC.royasacura21

Vlad:The Crimson Reaper

Vlad:The Crimson Reaper

Updated on October 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LC.royasacura21 Build Guide By LC.royasacura21 3,914 Views 1 Comments
3,914 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LC.royasacura21 Vladimir Build Guide By LC.royasacura21 Updated on October 16, 2011
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here is the Pros and Cons:

•good survivalability
•good farmer
•no need to worry about mana cost
•1 man team

•A weak early game
•May be outshined by other AP carries.
•too hard to lane with ad carry
•His skills use health which may be the death of you if not managed correctly
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This rune build is for late game only!:
My rune have a high AP in late game so in early game it's not too strong.w8 until you reach lvl 9 cause Transfusion have a 3 seconds cooldown so you can survive in early gank.NOTE:That vladimi is not a good ganker w8 for the enemy to gank you.and you can kill it all easyly
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This is the masteries that i choose with my vladimir:
This is a Utility type.So you can survive in early game (1-20mins)
can keep farming
has a 9% Cooldown Reduction
keep you dead less time
makes you move faster
Would make you spam your abilities a bit more
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This item build is the type where you can kill,survive and farm a lot i think this is the best guide when using vladimir here is the item:
-This item is actualy has an armor health and health regen so you can lane with carry AD and cooperates whit your passive.
-i choose this boots because of it's cooldown reduction it has an 15% cooldown reduction. Cooldown Reduction is important while playing vladimir to have an nuker vlad. So you can spam more skills.
-This item is the key to survive when you're in a clash because it has a 25% spell vamp if you have an high AP you can absorb more health per skills.and it is so cheap 2,100 only . you can build this early as 12minutes.
-This item is perfectly fit with vladimir because of it's high health and AP. it also have an slow when using Skill.i actualy ganking and raking all lanes when i already buy this item. because of it's slow it's easyly to kill a hero.
-Rabadon is the highest giving AP of all items because of it's 140 base AP and increased 30% AP.and it is also gives you a health with vladimir because of it's passive.

Main item of my vladimir:

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Skill Sequence

-this is the passive skill of vladimir it has an good effect because the higher the AP it also have higher HP. This is why vlad have more health than other AP carry.
-Has an heath absorption together with will of the ancient=a huge amount of HP.and when you are in clash spam transfusion so your health will not in danger
-sanguine pool i actual use it when dodging and escaping. NOTE: Do not use it for damage because you can deal more damage when you are not in sanguine pool state. use tide of bloods rather so you can deal more damage in an area and it has a high damage.
-tides of blood it is a farming skills and most of all this for nuke. it has an area of effect. a huge damage. But note that it is a health consuming skills if you not use it carefuly it will lead you to danger. and tides of blood can damage a invisible units like wards,traps and champion.
-hemoplague you will only use this when there is 2-5 champions because it has an 14% increase damage fo 5 seconds and it will deal damage after 5 seconds. it's actualy has a 15% health consume so use it when your HP is full and backup with a transfusion.
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Summoner Spells

-i actualy choose this spell because i can escape easly and vlad can dive in clash. vlad can olso be a starter in a team.
has a 50% reduce regeneration. i actualy cast it on tanker to reduce their health regeneration.
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Creeping / Jungling

For Creeping/Jungling Vlad is one of the champions that can farm fast because of it's farming tool:transfusion and tides of bloods it has an lower cooldown you can spam it in your lane as fast as you can. in jugling when your lane is in mid you can go with wraiths 2 spots for wraiths are near when your lane is mid.
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Team Work

In team work vladimir has a power to lead a team because of it's high HP and high AP.Vlad has a role of a nuker . and vlad can also be a starter because of it's hemoplague.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LC.royasacura21
LC.royasacura21 Vladimir Guide
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Vlad:The Crimson Reaper

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