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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
Hope this build helped you. :)
I usually grab boots and 3. if im laned against a bruiser, i take cloth 5, depending on who im lanning against. I rush my gun blade for that extra spell vamp. If im ahead in farm, i save up for a nedless rod then grab a ninja tabi for that extra armour. Rushing straight to my WOA then a rab for the extra ap. Zhonya's just for that ap and if you're getting focused you can always activate it. Grab a rylais for the HP and duribility. Finish the build with an abyssal scepter if against heavy ap team or GA against heavy ad. REMEMBER grab a ward and pots when ever you back.
For Farming you wanna last hit as much as possible, obviously. Don't spam health pot and only use them when you're below 50%. if you wanna get ahead of farm, Q your target when ever you get the chance. When there are multiple minions low use E, don't be afraid too use your skills to farm because you don't use mana.
I always max my Q because i feel like that does the most damage for vlad. You can try max E but i don't know that will work, i guess for the spell vamp. I don't take W until level 4 because getting 2 points in my Q early will give me that extra damage whenever i get the chance to Q my enemy.
In team fights you always want your tank to engage. Don't use your W because you need that when you're about to die, unless you're trying to W to the ad carry which is always a good idea because no one can attack you. When the enemy's are all next to each other, don't be afraid to put your ult down and engage. Always aim for the AD carry or the ap carry since they both do the most damage, obviously.
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