Pool charm dont die. She can roam but you outscale
skill matchup. Pool second e .Try to predict pool ult.Overtrade then sustain with q until lvl 6.If she doesnt go dorans shield shes trolling.You outscale her but shes a problem even if shes not that fed
Run electro.Dont go near him.He outroams you.Dont trade cs for hp.
He doesnt outscale you but he can be strong late.Huge spike against you when he gets bork.Hes still just an adc you oneshot him late.
dodge q or die in 2 trades.Matchup depends on jg.You cant outpush her just try to farm and carry later on.Force her to waste mana on you early levels so she tp's early
with buffs shes harder to play against.Pooling her q doesnt waste her stun or her q cd.If she runs ignite you die lvl 6.Call for ganks try to shut her down early and snowball
Aurelion Sol
Kill him early . Let him q you.This way he has less mana for waveclear and u just heal back up the damage.Late go for his team.Pool his ult
depends on who farms better.Always a farming lane altho it is azir favoured because he pokes you and you cant really fight back.Heal from raptor camp from over the wall.Ask for ganks.Pool his ult if you are insane. If he lets you q him for free he's a retard
Pool q or die.He perma pushes but you outscale
dodge q or die .Q is on low cd be quick to punish her or she will run you down.Even lane.If you lose you fucked it up because you didnt dodge q
jg help or he gets too much hp for you to duel him.Go conq build demonic embrace third
same with azir but he cant poke you for free. Ping his roams
U mostly lose trades but win early when she doesnt have the damage to kill you
dont let him push for free. Always overtrade
you dont lane against him but prepare to take 1500 true damage if you are at half hp or lower because you stack hp and he one shots you.You cant do anything because you will be silenced.Zhonya his ult or pool it if he doesnt q you beforehand
Uninteractive lane.He perma shoves and you only farm.If you somehow kill him with jg help its gg
dodge her e with pool.Volatile matchup dont underestimate her. Better to ban her if you cant deal with her
Pool his q and you win.He's squishy one shot him lvl 6
go up to him pretend you are going to q but auto him instead.He will press q as soon as you go near him.Then you press q and you win the trade.Dont hold e when he has q up.Dont die in lane. push his lane so he cant roam
take normal summs and electro or go ignite instead of ghost to make her extra miserable.Dont stand near daggers ofc
Pool her w.Havent played against her enough to give any other advice
Lee Sin
You can pool his kick it is very predictable
Pool q.Pool ult later on.You need reactions. He's prob ap you one shot him so no need to worry
Would say ban but he isnt picked enough so go next/dodge.Perma roam then lock down.You only win until like lvl 4-5.Once he puts into e its over
Phase rush always.Be mindful and dont proc phase rush too early.You can kill him early if u have ignite.Ignore him mid-late game and kill his team
fyi her r is a projectile that comes from the sky and you can pool it
stand outside of the wave so she has to choose to pokes you or push wave.Kill her if she misses q.Dont interact that much with her otherwise.You outscale
Doesnt matter if you lane against him or not dont go near him he stat checks you unless you are gigafed. Wait for him to ult someone else in teamfights
Same range as you but more damage.Bait her e and dodge it. Proc night harvester off of her clone so you gain movement speed.Pool her r
Perma pokes you.Call for jg help or lose.Mid game is unplayable
Go aery/electro and beat her to death.Her combos are predictable.If she ults you into a wall theres a split second between the push and the stun where you can pool.
Take electro/phase. He pokes you and pushes the wave theres nothing that you can do.
slightly lower range than vlad but more damage and waveclear.Trade only during the early game.
She cant kill you.trade with her lvls 1-5.Run her down level 6.pool her r
Pool his w.Always q him then walk back.He probably goes bork first.By the time he's got it you will have killed him 3 times if you're annoying
Conq ghost ignite.Pool e always trade kill him lvl 6.Free matchup
Hard for me personally.Decent ban.Predict his w and pool it.Punish him when he uses an ability.Fight in wave.Go conq
Unplayable.More range more damage better waveclear and can kill you early
Pool her w. hide behind minions so you dont take damage from her q. better waveclear but you can punish her when she has used all her abilities.Leave mid earlier when you both kill the wave so you can match her roams
Pool q survive first 5 levels.Ping his roams
Twisted Fate
Pool his card.Ping his ult.Hes weak in lane but has more influence than you so lane is TF favoured.Try to kill him as often as you can
Dont take autos for free.Always q him when you can.Pool ult or q.One shot him lvl 6 if you've damaged him earlier
Perma q him. Pool his ult.Pool to get outside of his e.Dont get stunned.You outscale
More range.More damage.More waveclear.One of the hardest matchups.Go next
same range as you but more dangerous and easier to snowball with.Will poke you down during lane.Call jg for help.Go in once her fear is down
More poke than you but if you q him enough times you can one shot lvl 6.Skill matchup you both scale well
Better waveclear.Free influence on the map with ult.Hard to win when he has an early lead
take down his shield.Focus on farming as he will be pushing most of the time.Can kill him if hes bad
Run away when he has tornado.Go ignite.Volatile matchup
I hate %hp damage I hate %hp damage I hate %hp damage I hate %hp damage I hate %hp damage I hate %hp damage I hate %hp damage I hate %hp damage I hate %hp damage
Run backwards if he plays electro so he cant proc it.If he goes conq its zed favoured.Pool his ult always be higher hp than him.Careful he wins if he forces you to pool early
Xerath but less poke and more windows to kill him.
No damage.Easy lane but he'll still be useful with ult
Any enchanter supp is useful.Nami renata zilean sera karma are the best combos with vlad tho due to their cc/movement speed increase
Tank jg with cc zac sejuani etc help you setup for teamfights
tanky top laners help you deal damage and draw focus away from you in teamfights
assassin junglers dont have much to do with you unless they execute their setup well
mid laners/adcs on top will ruin your comp and your game if they dont know what they are doing
This only applies for vlad apc but if your supp is an engage/tank supp its a wasted lane.They want to fight early when you are at your weakest.Enchanters give you a safer laning phase and let you scale
Any enchanter supp is useful.Nami renata zilean sera karma are the best combos with vlad tho due to their cc/movement speed increase
Tank jg with cc zac sejuani etc help you setup for teamfights
tanky top laners help you deal damage and draw focus away from you in teamfights
assassin junglers dont have much to do with you unless they execute their setup well
mid laners/adcs on top will ruin your comp and your game if they dont know what they are doing
This only applies for vlad apc but if your supp is an engage/tank supp its a wasted lane.They want to fight early when you are at your weakest.Enchanters give you a safer laning phase and let you scale
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