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Vladimir Build Guide by Elven Orc2

Vladimir a guide to all occasions (under Construction)

Vladimir a guide to all occasions (under Construction)

Updated on December 6, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Elven Orc2 Build Guide By Elven Orc2 3,603 Views 1 Comments
3,603 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Elven Orc2 Vladimir Build Guide By Elven Orc2 Updated on December 6, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Vladimir
  • LoL Champion: Vladimir


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


The Flow Chart

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Build One: AP Nuke

Not looking for AP Nuke Vlad? Click Here to visit tank vlad.

End game stats (with soulstealer):
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Why these items?

I feel that this is the best way to build vlad, here's why:
Amplifying Tome - Starting off with AP, it gives you an early boost and helps you heal and hit more early game, making your Q more effective. An alternate would be:

Doran's Shield - Gives you more health regen and armor early game. Always useful but not so much later in the game.

Health Potion - Just incase you need it, grab one. Remember - it can only help!
*Health potion can not be bought with doran's shield.

Cooldown boots are always nice. If you don't want 40% cd, then use:
Sorcerer's Shoes - For increased magic pen.

The infamous Revolver. I know, everybody rages about vlad with revolver, and it is op. I feel that most people nowadays are more about easy kills than about skillful playing, so i put it in here. want a real challenge? Don't get this and grab a Soulstealer.

But anyway - Revolver gives you AP and it gives you Spell Vamp, which makes all of your spells heal you.

Later, you'll turn this item into a
WotA. This item gives AP and Spell Vamp to you and your allies.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter - Perfect item for you. Every time you hit someone with you're ability, you slow them. Gives a nice chunk of health with it too, so you get more AP.

Spirit Visage - Gives you a nice chunk of health, some magic resist and it reduces cooldowns and increases health you gain back. With this and CD boots, you're at 40% by level 9.

The Deathcap - One of your biggest aspects. It gives a whopping +155 AP AND 30% increase of AP. This helps you in every way possible, for you gain life with your AP.

The Gunblade - Its active slows and deals damage, it's got spell vamp, and gives you AP and lifesteal. It's a perfect fit.

- Get these whenever you feel you need them most, not only last. This build is expensive and it's likely you wont finish it many times. Hell, I've only finished my build completely about 15-20 times in over 100 games.

If you're getting a lot of kills early on, buy this BEFORE Rylai's

Soulstealer - Massive AP boots, great for all of your attacks, you'll hit harder, and heal more.

Getting hit a lot? Is it a caster or a dps?

Force of Nature - Magic Resist, Life regen and movement speed anyone?

Hmm, well..we're getting hit by a dps...we have a lot of life...I know!
A thornmail! return some of that damage right back to them! With this and Transfusion you'll be fine!
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QQ anyone?

Here's a quick explanation of your skills and the base damage they do.Crimson Pact - Every 40 points of bonus health gives Vladimir 1 ability power and ever 1 point of ability power gives Vladimir 1.8 bonus health (does not stack with itself)


Vladimir Drains the lifeforce of his target Dealing 90 (+.6) magic damage and healing himself for 15 (+.25).

Vladimir Drains the lifeforce of his target Dealing 125 (+.6) magic damage and healing himself for 25 (+.25).

Vladimir Drains the lifeforce of his target Dealing 160 (+.6) magic damage and healing himself for 35 (+.25).

Vladimir Drains the lifeforce of his target Dealing 195 (+.6) magic damage and healing himself for 45 (+.25).

Vladimir Drains the lifeforce of his target Dealing 230 (+.6) magic damage and healing himself for 55 (+.25).

Sanguine Pool:

Costs: 20% of Current Health
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies above him for 40%

Vladimir deals 80 (+15% of bonus Health) magic damage over the duration and heals himself for 12.5% of that amount.

Costs: 20% of Current Health
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies above him for 40%

Vladimir deals 135 (+15% of bonus Health) magic damage over the duration and heals himself for 12.5% of that amount.

Costs: 20% of Current Health
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies above him for 40%

Vladimir deals 190 (+15% of bonus Health) magic damage over the duration and heals himself for 12.5% of that amount.

Costs: 20% of Current Health
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies above him for 40%

Vladimir deals 245 (+15% of bonus Health) magic damage over the duration and heals himself for 12.5% of that amount.

Costs: 20% of Current Health
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies above him for 40%

Vladimir deals 300 (+15% of bonus Health) magic damage over the duration and heals himself for 12.5% of that amount.

Tides of Blood:

Cost 30 health

Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood, dealing 60 (+.45) magic damage to nearby enemies
Each cast gives him an Empower Stack (max 4), increasing his healing and regeneration by 8% each. Additionally, Tides of Blood deals 25% more damage and costs 50% more health per stack.

Cost 40 health

Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood, dealing 90 (+.45) magic damage to nearby enemies
Each cast gives him an Empower Stack (max 4), increasing his healing and regeneration by 8% each. Additionally, Tides of Blood deals 25% more damage and costs 50% more health per stack.

Cost 50 health

Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood, dealing 120 (+.45) magic damage to nearby enemies
Each cast gives him an Empower Stack (max 4), increasing his healing and regeneration by 8% each. Additionally, Tides of Blood deals 25% more damage and costs 50% more health per stack.

Cost 60 health

Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood, dealing 150 (+.45) magic damage to nearby enemies
Each cast gives him an Empower Stack (max 4), increasing his healing and regeneration by 8% each. Additionally, Tides of Blood deals 25% more damage and costs 50% more health per stack.

Cost 70 health

Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood, dealing 180 (+.45) magic damage to nearby enemies
Each cast gives him an Empower Stack (max 4), increasing his healing and regeneration by 8% each. Additionally, Tides of Blood deals 25% more damage and costs 50% more health per stack.


Vladimir infects the target area with a virulent plague, causing 14% increased damage for 5 seconds.

After 5 seconds, infected enemies take 150 (+x) magic damage.

Vladimir infects the target area with a virulent plague, causing 14% increased damage for 5 seconds.

After 5 seconds, infected enemies take 250 (+x) magic damage.

Vladimir infects the target area with a virulent plague, causing 14% increased damage for 5 seconds.

After 5 seconds, infected enemies take 350 (+x) magic damage.
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So, How's It Done?

Early Game(1-9):
Lane. It's the most important time of the game for you. The faster you get level 9, the faster you can start killing people.

Try to take mid if your team lets you and last hit as much as possible with your Q or auto attacks. If your opponent over extends, harass them a little bit, but don't go in for any kills unless they're very low (two HP bars or less). Farm up and get as much gold as possible. Bank around 1115 GP for speed 1 boots and your revolver. Now your Q will heal you for more and you'll be able to harass a bit more. Once you hit 9, it's time for some real harass. Your Q will be at 2.x second CD depending on runes. Q everything. Press E to get minions low, then Q each one to get the GPs. If your opponent gets close, Q for an easy 200+ damage harass. if they get low enough(~500 hp), use your killing combo.

So what is your killing combo?
F -> R -> Q -> E -> W -> Q -> E -> D

Ghost then drop your ult for increased damage. The opponent may flash here. it's ok, a ghost and an ult (roughly 3 minutes cd for both) is worth a 4 minute flash cd. Go back to laning. If they dont flash, drop your ult and transfusion them. Tides of blood then pool. slow them with pool and once you pop your Q will be refreshed and your E will almost be refreshed. Q them then E, and if they're still not dead.. a simple D (ignite) will get it under the turret for you.

Mid Game(10-16):

It's ganking time!
If there's one thing I can stress, it's MAP AWARENESS.
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So, What about the action, the team fights?!

The time for team fights has come. You're job: Ulti and hurt.

Usually you wont initiate because other champions are aware of your capabilities, so play it safe, hide in a bush or further ahead of where they currently are. Have someone initiate, drop your ulti and take it away with your Q getting spammed. If they flash/ghost, no problem. Press W and blood pool in front of them, slowing them and dealing damage. If all else fails, Q them one last time and throw your ignite on them, let it do its damage and accept your kill.

Once a few kill are obtained, go back to laneing and getting your gold up. B out occasionally and heal up or get your next few items in the build.

A VERY IMPORTANT THING is to not get greedy. You're not a tank despite your passive and your life. TURRETS DO HURT YOU. Don't turret dive if they're over two bars of their health. and if you do decide to dive, follow these steps
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The rights and wrongs of turret diving

SO they're almost dead, and you want to turret dive them and get the kill.

Simple, espicially since you have a way for the turret to only get one or two hits on you.

So heres how it's done
Flash over to them, Do not mistakenly blood pool, as that is your one mistake you cant afford.

Spam your transfusion at them as much as possible as well as tides of blood injuring them. If you dont kill from attacks, then ignite the champion and take the kill that way.

Now to escape, you've probably been hit a few times now and the turrets are starting to get to your life, don't freak, it's okay. Vlad's Blood pool makes him immune to attacks, including those of turrets, so blood pool and leave the fastest way possible. The turrets will stop attacking you and you'll be in the clear.
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Build Two: Tank

Vladimir also makes a great tank, Since his passive gives him AP off of HP, he can still do damage and be beefy as all hell.

End game stats:
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