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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
Why first items is "Boots of Speed" and three health potions. Its very good when you need to get kill or run from enemy, and three potions can help you to dominate in lane. We have to back when we have money for "Hextech Revolver", he gives 12% spell vamp and your skills heal you more, this is very helpful to dominate in your lane, but don't push very well if you want ganks. Then just buy "Socerer's shoes", this boots gives you 20 Magic penetration who reduct enemy Magic resist and you do bigger damage! Then just grab Giant belt who gives you HP, but with Vladimir passive you get and AP :) Its very helps to be tanky and do very high damage. Then just grab Will of the Ancients for more damage and spell vamp. Rabadons Deathcap and Rylais who gives you MORE DAMAGE! For more damage and armor grab Hourglass and for tanks last your item have to be Void staff who gives you more Magic Penetration.
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