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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
First Attack withTides of Blood, then take Transfusion to get the life you lost with Tides of Blood back and it will even increase your heal by 8% per stack. If your enemy can heal himself Ignite him. Repeat this combo as often it's necessary. If the enemy is harder to take down start with Hemoplague, his ultimate is even quite good in team ganks or to finish escaping enemies at low life. The most important thing is to keep Sanguine Pool ready for the right moment like: you are getting ganked and wouldn't have a chance, all types of enemy ultimates (Ashe, Karthus, Ezreal, Fizz,...) or stuns. It's even a good option to prevent from damage if you are already stunned. It will save your *** a lot of times if you use it right.
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