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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
So here you are going "Man, Vlad looks so cool, i tried him before and a blew!"... Today's your lucky day! Here's a basic guide to unsuckify yourself and get some good ground knowledge about Vladimir. Hopefully, you'll go and own people with your basic knowledge, after you "master" this, you can basically modify this build, or build your own build to adapt any situations.
This is your bread and butter ability, use all the time, everywhere, EVEN NOW! I drink your blooooood. This ability starts kicking butt when you get Hextech Revolver. At mid game, the amount of spellvamp ( Life Leech with spells ) you get with Hextech Revolver, you basically can cancel most of the attacks you received with 1 or 2 transfusions.
Sanguine Pool
First of all, this ability is utilized to RUN first. It's not for attack, NOT FOR ATTACK. It's a common mistake for Vladimir newbies to use this to chase people early on and so on. The amount of health it takes from you to use it at the beginning of a game is too great to be used to chase. Use it to evade tough spots till level 10~ then you can start chasing people.
This makes you immune to almost everything, it's the perfect evasion tool.
Tides Of Blood
Another ability you shouldn't use too much at the beginning of a game... it costs you some of your life for a small buff in damage and life leech. Use it only if you know you can take down your opponent in a quick burst. As for later on, Will of Ancients should take care of most of the life you lose since with it, Tides of Blood starts leeching a bit of health. In end game, you're going to take down 20-30 mobs at the same time while laughing.
It's an area of effect ability that can affect several heroes / mobs that does damage after a certain amount of time ( Kinda like Curse Of Doom in WoW ). Use it to finish off running heroes or when your opponents are bunched together, of course, when you are fighting with your team, not alone.
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