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Vladimir Build Guide by Lyø

Vladimir - It might just hurt!

Vladimir - It might just hurt!

Updated on February 5, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lyø Build Guide By Lyø 2,104 Views 0 Comments
2,104 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lyø Vladimir Build Guide By Lyø Updated on February 5, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Vladimir - a forgotten mid!

Ever since Vladimir(Vlad) got his apratio reduced, people stopped playing him, thinking that he is really not that OP. This guide is here to prove you wrong. Remember this is a guide with a build I have played since the beginning of his nerf and it have never let me down!
Try it out, you might just like it!
It might not be as all the other builds for vladimir, and to begin with you will ask questions about his survivability. It is simple and easy!
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Runes - I know but why like that?

There is a reason for every rune pick, and ESPECIALLY for Vladimir. We all know that vlad is not the best early game, but played and farmed well, we will do an insane amount of damage and have great survivability both mid and end game!

Magic Pen Marks - I don't even have to tell you how important magicpen is, so stack it up!

Health Per Level Seals - Yes, health still gives Vladimir AP and having it per level makes Vlad well enough early game and even better mid game with per level runes!

Flat CDR Glyphs - Some people might stack abilitypower in Glyphs for Vlad, well they should be slapped! -.65% x 9 makes Vlad the perfect hunter (With blue you will be able to have the lowest CD on ur Q ability,, THO YOU SHOULD STILL GIVE IT TO THE ONE NEEDING IT ON YOUR TEAM, YOU ARE NOT FIRST PRIO, EVEN THO YOU ARE MID)
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Masteries - Love the new masteries, they boosted you!

21 - 9 - 0
The perfect way of spending your points as Vlad! You get every AP you need, CDR and Magic runthough!
To top this! You also gain Health(AP in that) from you 9 points spend in defensive +++ you get armor and magic res to survive your earlygame!
But why don't you choose magicres?
Well all depending on who is mid, you should adjust for the situation (AS ALWAYS)
I just found, that people are atm putting their AD carry in mid.
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Items - But it's just AP?

Yes, my items are just AP, but not in a bad way, for instance, AP gives Vlad HP and good survivability.
This also anwsers why I always go with snowball item! You won't die very often if played correctly, simply because you are not the prime focus, epspecially not for an anticarry, simply TOO MUCH HEALTH!
You also get a little extra Spell Vamp + you get MAGIC PEN, IT IS NEEDED and comes way before anything ( BUT STILL CONCIDER THE ENEMY TEAMS MR TOWARDS YOU! )
But when you are saying that about magic pen, why not get sorcerss??
Cause THAT is the reason you get voidstaff and got the runes! SIMPLY!
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Skill Sequence - It is obvious!

It is obvious that you max your Q first, as it is your survivability spell and good for any situation!
Tides (E) - Are your second choice
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Summoner Spells - Why not Ghost?

My prefered two spells are Flash + Ignite
Simply because of extra dmg + passively AP when used
And most people are using flash, so i can get some extra kills by flashing over walls then running around!
These summonerspells are accepted:
YES that is IT!
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But I wan't to play Vlad as a tank??

Find a new guide, cause mine is about ownage!
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Pros - Cons

I always take the bad things first:
Not very great early game
Doesn't have prio on blue
Bad against long range ad mid
Hard early game farm


Great mid-late farming
Easy to own mid with
Great ganking possibilties
Can stay a long time on lane
Easy to escape with Pool(W)
Does an incredible amount of damage
Hard to kill
Good with snowballs
Great in teamfights
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Farming with Vlad

Early game, you should not be the one to harras, but instead focus on your farm so you can get that early items you need for you mid game. Basicly E is your farming spell aswell as Q for singles!
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This is the greatest part! A guy on Youtube have simply made the perfect songs for playing LoL ::: I ALSO GIVE HIM ALL CREDITS FOR THIS SECTION AND IAM NOT TAKING THE CREDITS FOR THE MIXES

The guys name is ZeroVWXYZ

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