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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
So i thought, lets upload my build and guild about how to play vladimir as did. We went ingame to test it and he end with K: 20 D: 5 :)
This build was fully created by me and i didnt stole any ideas from others. further i want to say my english isnt so good because im from Holland.
Enjoy my guild
Ok here i'll explain why i pick these items.
Hextech Revolver:
Ofcourse you need to get Hextech revolver as soon a possible. lifesteal is very importend for vladimir. You dont need Will of the Acients that soon so better wait with that till mid game.
Crystal Scepter:
I have 2 importend reasons why i make this choise. The health and the Slow. You can now use your Q to slow enemys instead of your W. Your pool is very good to dodge abilitys like ashe arrow and to safe your self wen low on health. So better dont wait it for the damage.
Zhonya's Hourglass:
Grants you alot of ability power and makes you less vurnable in team fights. This is also very handy to survive a Karthus, Pentheon or Ziggs ulti. Now you have 2 abilitys that make you unable to get hit. mmortality FTW!
Void Staff:
Make you enabled to fight the hardest tanks in a 1v1 fight. They really fear you wen you have this item.
Hextech Revolver:
Ofcourse you need to get Hextech revolver as soon a possible. lifesteal is very importend for vladimir. You dont need Will of the Acients that soon so better wait with that till mid game.
Crystal Scepter:
I have 2 importend reasons why i make this choise. The health and the Slow. You can now use your Q to slow enemys instead of your W. Your pool is very good to dodge abilitys like ashe arrow and to safe your self wen low on health. So better dont wait it for the damage.
Zhonya's Hourglass:
Grants you alot of ability power and makes you less vurnable in team fights. This is also very handy to survive a Karthus, Pentheon or Ziggs ulti. Now you have 2 abilitys that make you unable to get hit. mmortality FTW!
Void Staff:
Make you enabled to fight the hardest tanks in a 1v1 fight. They really fear you wen you have this item.
Last hit minions with you Q ability. This ability is great to regenerate health. it makes you Recall less often. Your Q ability is also you main damage ability.
Try to hit you enemy lower and lower with it. If they strike back, you regenerate that health at the same time.
Also your E is great to farm with. use it to clear out big minion waves.
But never farm minions with your W or R. These abilitys were not made to farm with :P
Try to hit you enemy lower and lower with it. If they strike back, you regenerate that health at the same time.
Also your E is great to farm with. use it to clear out big minion waves.
But never farm minions with your W or R. These abilitys were not made to farm with :P
Team Fights:
In team fights for you ultimate, you want to hit them all so wen the fight start you must drop you ultimate wen you can hit them all. Wen your ultimate is our you deal more damages with all your abilitys. This makes the fight alot easier.
Mid lane:
You can dive turrets and escape with your pool very easy. Turrets are not a safe place to hide against a vladimir. Just make sure your W is off cooldown.
Top & Bot lane:
In top or bot lane you play pretty much the same. Try to damage your enemys the most as possible with you Q and wen you think you can kill them, dive for it But with your W off cooldown so you can escape wen you lose or wen the fight stops behind the enemy turret.
Also dont forget your E stacks up to 4 times. this generates health more quickly.
In team fights for you ultimate, you want to hit them all so wen the fight start you must drop you ultimate wen you can hit them all. Wen your ultimate is our you deal more damages with all your abilitys. This makes the fight alot easier.
Mid lane:
You can dive turrets and escape with your pool very easy. Turrets are not a safe place to hide against a vladimir. Just make sure your W is off cooldown.
Top & Bot lane:
In top or bot lane you play pretty much the same. Try to damage your enemys the most as possible with you Q and wen you think you can kill them, dive for it But with your W off cooldown so you can escape wen you lose or wen the fight stops behind the enemy turret.
Also dont forget your E stacks up to 4 times. this generates health more quickly.
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