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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
Easy escaping with Sanguine pool
Easy harras
Perfect AOE altimate
Good survivality on lane
Imba farmer
Very often focused (mailny after some killstreak)
Easy conter-able with ignite
Very cooldown reliable (problems until lvl 7-9)
Easy escaping with Sanguine pool
Easy harras
Perfect AOE altimate
Good survivality on lane
Imba farmer
Very often focused (mailny after some killstreak)
Easy conter-able with ignite
Very cooldown reliable (problems until lvl 7-9)
There a lot of ways and you can play it however you want, runes doesn´t make so much difference. But some basic magic penetration is needed. I prefer marks and quintessences penetration and other flat or lvl 18 AP.
You can also play it with movement speed, spellvamp, health(or any defensive) runes.
You can also play it with movement speed, spellvamp, health(or any defensive) runes.
I prefer going mid (alternatively solo) with Vladimir. Farming is very simple, so what you have to concetrate about is harrasing your enemy. There are some very awful conters on Vlad that I really hate.
If everything goes well I try landing a local(mid) first blood when I am about lvl 5 or after having 6(depending on who is against me). If you cannot win the duel on lane, you have to wait for jungler. Having a good feed is first step of winning a game for your team.
In mid-game you have to push mid lane and then try to gank other lanes, so that you help your teammates and do not let enemy players feed more than you are. If you are well fed, it wouldnt be a problem for you to land a double or even triple kill with some help.
If everything goes well, the game should not come to late game =D
If everything goes well I try landing a local(mid) first blood when I am about lvl 5 or after having 6(depending on who is against me). If you cannot win the duel on lane, you have to wait for jungler. Having a good feed is first step of winning a game for your team.
In mid-game you have to push mid lane and then try to gank other lanes, so that you help your teammates and do not let enemy players feed more than you are. If you are well fed, it wouldnt be a problem for you to land a double or even triple kill with some help.
If everything goes well, the game should not come to late game =D
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