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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
*Greater Mark of Insight
*Greater Seal of Vitality
*Greater Glyph of Force
*Greater Quintessence of Potency
Seals: Scales very well with his passive. Other viable runes are: Greater Seals of Force and Greater Seals of Fortidude.
Glyphs: Perfect AP Runes. You gain a nice amount of AP. You really need them too much to take others. If you really hate those awesome runes, you might take Greater Glyphs of Focus. But i dont recommend any other runes than AP/LvL.
Quintessence: There are two possibilities: Greater Qunitessence of Potency and Greater Quintessence of Fortidude. Both are very strong early on, but both loose much power later on.
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