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Vladimir Build Guide by CallMeDevin

Vladimir: The Blood Lord

Vladimir: The Blood Lord

Updated on April 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CallMeDevin Build Guide By CallMeDevin 2,144 Views 1 Comments
2,144 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CallMeDevin Vladimir Build Guide By CallMeDevin Updated on April 21, 2012
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Hello, My name is Devin and this is my guide for Vladmir, The Crimson Reaper.

Vladimir is a champion that can be played both mid and solo top, he excels at lane sustain with his Q and E especially after he picks up a Will Of the ancients.
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I take M. pen reds to get spell penetration since he is an AP based champion, Flat AP yellows and Quints for a nice bit of AP and either CDR or Flat AP blues.
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I take these masteries in order to grab the magic pen in the offense tree and go down to getting the cool downs and spell vamp in the utility tree which is very useful on champions like Vladimir.
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Starting boots and three health pots gives you even more lane sustain and allows you to dodge skillshots from pesky champions such as Kennen, Cassiopeia, and Morgana.
Hextech is a must have on Vlad for the extra spell vamp.
I take lucidity boots on Vladimir so that I'm able to spam my Q and harass the enemy and heal up as much as I can.
Once you grab you Will of the Ancients, which should be sometime around the 12-15 minute mark if you're doing well you will be immovable from lane with all your sustain.
Spirit Visage gives you tons of extra healing and a bit of magic resist which is very helpful for lasting longer in teamfights. Rylaih's gives you a bit more health and magic and Transfusion will Proc its slow which allows you to chase down champions that think they're going to escape you.
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Farming with Vlad is very easy, simply Q minions that are around 1/4th health, however if an enemy comes in for a last hit it's better to save the Q to harass them first.
Once you get Hextech revolver you can start keeping stacks up on Tides of Blood which makes farming a lot easier. Press E and Q a minions and they will die, after that you can auto attack the rest of them to clear the wave. Vlad excels at pushing lanes quickly.
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This is my first build on Mobafire and honestly it took me about 30 minutes to complete, i'll put more time into it eventually. Leave a comment and rate to let me know how I did.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CallMeDevin
CallMeDevin Vladimir Guide
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Vladimir: The Blood Lord

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