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Nasus Build Guide by NeonSRB

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Updated on April 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NeonSRB Build Guide By NeonSRB 3,848 Views 5 Comments
3,848 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NeonSRB Nasus Build Guide By NeonSRB Updated on April 29, 2012
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NeonSRB (22) | March 21, 2012 11:10am

Great guide. Although its a bit short

Thanks, and as I said before it's not done yet. :)
RealmriderX1 (91) | March 21, 2012 11:09am
Great guide. Although its a bit short
NeonSRB (22) | March 21, 2012 5:25am

Your coding is fine, but please don't publish guides until they are either finished or satisfactory. With three separate sections labeled "coming soon" it doesn't appear to be either of those. Also in general, no one cares about the champion lore, and if we did we could read it in our client or any of 10 thousand places online. When you include it like this is gives the impression that your build didn't have enough characters to be published. I won't vote until this is finished, but you demonstrate elementary knowledge of coding so I do have faith.

However, don't get Wriggle's Lantern on nasus jungling, because you really don't want to miss last hits with Siphoning Strike because of its passive, and you really don't need the lifesteal as much as other champs, especially after the nerf.

Lore is deleted, guide is 60% done.
About the Wriggle's Lantern, I never missed Siphoning Strike in jungle but ok, maybe you're right. Also the nerf is only 2% which is nothing.
CombatJack1 (88) | March 20, 2012 6:40pm
Your coding is fine, but please don't publish guides until they are either finished or satisfactory. With three separate sections labeled "coming soon" it doesn't appear to be either of those. Also in general, no one cares about the champion lore, and if we did we could read it in our client or any of 10 thousand places online. When you include it like this is gives the impression that your build didn't have enough characters to be published. I won't vote until this is finished, but you demonstrate elementary knowledge of coding so I do have faith.

However, don't get Wriggle's Lantern on nasus jungling, because you really don't want to miss last hits with Siphoning Strike because of its passive, and you really don't need the lifesteal as much as other champs, especially after the nerf.
BlackIceT (182) | March 20, 2012 6:08pm
Since you have published this build turn on COMMENT TO VOTE. It will keep troll voters away for a while.

- Good start to the build and guide.
- You are doing well with the coding so I assume you know what you are doing pretty well.
- I see you plan on adding more sections. Add on even more that what you have.

Otherwise good start gave you a +1 and I like the title :)
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