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Ekko Build Guide by hadbre

Why do I HATE Ekko?

Why do I HATE Ekko?

Updated on November 5, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hadbre Build Guide By hadbre 1 19 20,309 Views 10 Comments
1 19 20,309 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hadbre Ekko Build Guide By hadbre Updated on November 5, 2018
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What is this?

This isnt really a guide
-This is me saying that its completly ok being salty about ekko- he is to op, and
after reading this try to prove me wrong!
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chapter showswhat he has in his kit, and this one shows why is every single ability
he has op by itself

-Passive: Z-Drive Resonance
-hm... So his passive gives him a chase potential (like a roll and a blink arent enough),
also can help him escape - cd is only 5 sec per target, well come on! so with Him u can
hit with ur q, and with ur auto, if he is on the middle of the lane, u will proc that
again before he escapes, and he decides to fight, he wont be able to kill u because of
your R, and it also deals dmg...
-Q: Timewinder
ok, a skill shot that doesnt deal that much dmg if it doesnt hit u when it returns, but it flys very fast, so you can only juke it, but not really dodge it, it can hit 2 times for his passive, but its aloso a slow, u know, why not...
Ill give you this, it ain the easiest ability to hit, but if you dont see him throwing it, u might not be able to dodge it!, than it slows, shields ekko
for some fine amounts + 150% of his ap. And if he enters in it
(which aint hard to do) He stuns everyboy in it... And thats not enough! It also addds dmg to enemies under 30%hp - and if he goes jg, it this passive
effect deals even more dmg....

W: Phase Dive
- Cause of this he has an ability to go over most of walls on the map. After that
firsth roll he can BLINK to the target and deal dmg to it.

R: Chronobreak
Im not sure where to start with this one... But this ability is by far the most op
ability in the game (not sure about Zoe-q).
Its a easy escape in a lot of cases, doesnt have a big cd.
-It heals him for a flat amount + 60% + 20% of the dmg taken in last 4s - In most cases
he will have more hp after using this ult, than he had before you started fighting him,
but thats too weak right? Why dont add something else...
-it alos deals dmg scaling with %150 AP...
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Wrapping everything in short (his kit)

In his kit he has - 2 abilities that provide him with an escape
- ability to go over most walls whenever he wants
- if he makes a mistake he can simply just leave the fight with all his
hp (or usually even more hp)
- has 2 slows of which 1 can turn into an aoe stun
-has a speed buff for himself
- Has a massive heal for himself
- Has a long range poke
- Has fine single-target dmg
- Has massive aoe dmg
Bonus-all his abilities scale on ap, so he doesnt need to go hybrid to have all
all of his abilities to their full potential.
-he has some little things more in his kit but this was important to show
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Writing this thing took like 25-30min of my day, but 10 years of my life, so I hope
it was worth it!

-If u want to read more about me raging on op champs, just write in the comments which
champions you hate, and you may also check "Why I hate Darius".

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Ple***e dont play Ekko
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hadbre
hadbre Ekko Guide
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Why do I HATE Ekko?

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