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Wukong Build Guide by Grinzler

Wukong for William

Wukong for William

Updated on August 22, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Grinzler Build Guide By Grinzler 1 5 3,792 Views 3 Comments
1 5 3,792 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Grinzler Wukong Build Guide By Grinzler Updated on August 22, 2012
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Chapter 1

First Back:

If you're really really rich:

(Just grabbing a phage is fine too, the Vamp is just for sustain)

If you're against someone who you don't out-trade (someone stronger than you basically - its not hard to find those in toplane):


If you grabbed Phage (presumably meaning you're winning and hoping to snowball) your next items are:

>>> Level 2 Boots >>>

This item sequence is designed to augment your follow-up damage after the E > Q > Chase Combo. (W Disengage when necessary - if you don't need to use it, don't. Wukong can be quite mana thirsty)

(Your options when it comes to boots are either or


If you opted for the double dorans, you basically delayed the decision making time, If the dorans gave you enough stats to come out ontop of the lane, you can follow the previous tri-rush item sequence.

If you're still getting beat then go:

>> Level 2 Boots.

If you're getting beat by AP after the double dorans, you can go:

>> >> >>
You don't NEED the level 2 boots in lane too early due to the mobility and ability to W disengage. Thats why the're last - otherwise this gives you the most efficient trading ability with alot of Ap's (rumble can be a bit of an issue still).


Although I don't normally advise them, in certain match-ups, these would also be considered early game items:

Mid Game and onwards:

Is completely situational depending on team comps, early game builds and how the game is going so far, but viable items to consider are:


Examples of builds in situations:

1.) Snowballing

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

2.) Losing to an AD - eg: Irelia or Darius (since they are common)
(Notice; High Early game HP focus, without dedicating and loosing too many other stats)

>> >>>> >> >>

3.) Losing to an AP - eg: Vlad

>> >>>> >> >> >> >>

Deviation and Adaptation are essential in counter-buying your opponent, equally as important as counter-picking them.

These are guidelines, not Rules, however its a good base to learn from. (unless you're reading this chad, in which case, these are rules; deviation = Assisting enemy Team Report +1.)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Grinzler
Grinzler Wukong Guide
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