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Ziggs Build Guide by TheParsiShow

Ziggs. Boom. *Triple Kill*

Ziggs. Boom. *Triple Kill*

Updated on February 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheParsiShow Build Guide By TheParsiShow 2,235 Views 0 Comments
2,235 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheParsiShow Ziggs Build Guide By TheParsiShow Updated on February 10, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Ziggs
  • LoL Champion: Ziggs


Within the 11 17/02/2012 will be completely finished, so if there are not many information is not angry ç_ç"


Hello to all of you! This is my first guide. Often there will be errors of writing, try and understand. Ziggs is a very peculiar character. played well may open in 2 Summoner's Rift, played evil serves as a fist in the face. Do not be discouraged if the first times use evil, i assure you that with the passing of time it will become between your hands a lethal machine, which will give you hundreds of satisfactions.
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Pros / Cons

+One of the best harrasser from LOL.
+Excellent Control of the battlefield.
+AP nuker with magic to Skillshot.
+Excellent balance between AA and Skill.
+Ultimate global (Lux 2.0 )

-Terribly squishy (the masteries and objects destroy this)
-If it is not available the buff blue, you will have dosing skills, losing much of its potential.
-If the W e e during a gank are in charge, you are dead.
-R has a warning indicator.
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On rune there is not much to say, AP Pen for the maximum damage with the magic,Flat AP Quint for a good AP boost, APxLv for maximum performance at the end of the game. There are no rune defensive, since between item and objects you will have good survival.
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Here the masteries play a key role. Are the same as any tank/off tank. Their aim is to meet the great lack of survival that Ziggs can meet (perhaps by shifting the focus on another PG). Be, but because Ziggs needs to be durable if on skill dominate the battlefield and will be always behind his companions? The reason for this is that, to maximize the strength of his, you must launch an AA reinforced with passive and Lich Bane, when nearing dangerously into the fray. And believe, we do not think twice to martoriarvi mercilessly :P
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Start of doran ring,that kingdom to masteries, can provide you with everything to stay in lane for an indefinite period of time (if you prefer, you can also startare of regrowth pendant. You will be virtually immortal but will be sinning of AP. The first recall try and buy at least boots of speed and catalyst, for an even greater robustness, and the mobility needed to harrassarare effectively.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheParsiShow
TheParsiShow Ziggs Guide
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Ziggs. Boom. *Triple Kill*

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