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Zilean Build Guide by hoibest5

zilean: look up your head Boom

zilean: look up your head Boom

Updated on November 1, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hoibest5 Build Guide By hoibest5 5,243 Views 1 Comments
5,243 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hoibest5 Zilean Build Guide By hoibest5 Updated on November 1, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Welcome to my new zilean guide, look up your head!!!!!!!!!!!!.
As you know everybody thinks zilean is a boring character. only Q is his main attack.
Now on, you guys will have different view for zilean the chronokeeper.
Give me some feedbacks and grammar mistake (I am korean)
Credit: KhjJameskim, Sorge88, Rapid155
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Cons and Pros

    Q skill AP ratio is 0.9!!!!!!!!
    Can either slow or increase your speed by your E skill
    Q skill makes you good farming
    Annoying ULTIMATE!!!!!!!

    Wait 4 seconds to explode your time bomb
    NO STUN = Ganked easily
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Runes and Masteries


Greater Mark of Insight 9 Greater Seal of Potency 9
Greater Glyph of Potency 9 Greater Quintessence of Potency 3


I useand and for having lots of ap. the ap ratio of his Q skill is 0.9 which makes a good damage. if you have runes for increasing your AP, it will deal a lot damage for your Q skill

Materies build

I take every basic stats such as mana and Movement speed in Utility. Then i max Clarity and Teleport (I will explain why i chose those summoner spells). For Offense, i max ability power and cooldown and magic resistance to make his Q stronger as an AP supporter.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hoibest5
hoibest5 Zilean Guide
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zilean: look up your head Boom

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