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Sejuani Humor Guide by Skaifox

Zoom Zoom Zejuani

Zoom Zoom Zejuani

Updated on April 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skaifox Build Guide By Skaifox 1,449 Views 0 Comments
1,449 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Skaifox Sejuani Build Guide By Skaifox Updated on April 8, 2012
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Ok so this build focuses around Sejuani

Ok so this build focuses around Sejuani and her cow

the has 4 legs so we need 4 boots

one for each foo

ok so the
ok so then build a phantom dacer

and get a phantdom dacer

so now sejuani is get a lot of move speed because you get some from each boot, so her cow is gonna go fast

you also buy ghost and flesh so that if they are fast as well, no
because you are faster

I estimate about 2500 Movement at lvl 18 with these setup.

but dont forget that sejuai must be built like a tank, so as you can see my rues have not just movement speed but some

but dont forget that sejuai must be built like a tank, so as you can see my rues have not just movement speed but some health and some dodge

why? because we must build sejuani like a tank

so with hp and extra dodge, we have dodgecow

this is essential for awesome gansk

and because of her slow
you will b moving sooo much faster than your enemy so you can rub past like sonic and be like hahah bet you wish you bouhgt boots 1st dont you

ok so this is movement speed sejuani

guaranteed gr8 ganks

please rate and comment,
my 1st giude
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skaifox
Skaifox Sejuani Guide
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